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Platonic Yandere(s): Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Prompt: Drugs - Submit yourself wholly and only to me.

You had been disobeying again. To be entirely fair you had a reason to be in a bad mood, you were kidnapped after all. However Nemuri or 'mom' as she wanted you to call her hadn't seen it that way. She'd only seen an ungrateful child who didn't want the love they were being given. She hadn't liked it. However your quirk worked against hers. Your quirk allowed you to hold your breath for extended periods of time so whenever she'd tried to drug you you'd just hold your breath. She'd seemed so defeated after you'd held your breath for 15 minutes, looking her pointedly in the eyes as the pink sleeping gas filled the air around you. Too bad you hadn't been more vigilant.

"Oh dear! Looks like my moonlight is sleepy!" That was the understatement of the century. You'd been walking down the hallway to hole yourself in your room after dinner when your legs had given out beneath you and you'd come crashing down. Of course, the second it had happened you had cursed yourself for not being more careful. However the drug had quickly affected your mind, making everything fuzzy. You had essentially been turned into a human rag doll, forced to lay on her lap and watch an episode of some rom-com. Her fingers were running through your hair as she smiled down at you. "If you just submit yourself wholly and only to me then we could have a lot of fun together, okay my moonlight?"

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