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Platonic Yandere(s): Toga Himiko
Prompt: Hope - I don't wanna hurt you, baby.
S/N will stand for sisters name in this oneshot. If you do not have a sister insert a random name!
Possible TW: Vomiting

It had been a normal day at the playground. You were on the swings, going as high as you could go, while your sister was talking with a friend over the phone. You had been swinging as high as you could, back and forth, when you'd noticed the teenager watching you. You'd smiled at her and given her as much of a wave as you could without falling off the swing. The teenager had waved back, but hadn't left. Instead she'd just kept watching you. Watching as you grew bored with the swings and moved over to the slides. Watching as you then moved to the monkey bars. Eventually your sister had finished her call but when you went to wave goodbye to the girl watching you... she was gone.

You saw her the next day too. The same buns in her hair as she watched you walk home from school. The day after as you played with friends in the park. So you saw her everywhere you went. You became so desensitized to her presence you never even mentioned it to your sister or parents. That was a mistake.

It was the middle of the night and you had woken up for some water. However the second you had opened your bedroom door to go to the kitchen a strong metallic scent had struck you. "W-what is that?" Stepping out into the hallway you slowly followed the smell, not realizing that anything could be wrong. However just when you were about to open your parents door, where the smell was strongest... a hand was placed on your shoulder. "Y/N? What are you doing up?" You jumped. "Oh... I was just getting some water. What's that smell?" "I spilled something. Don't worry about it. Let's go get you some water!" Weird. Your sister had never been a night person so why was she so peppy? She also never helped you get water when you woke up. Strange. "Do you want some ice cream?" Okay, something was off. Your sister NEVER offered you ice cream, especially late at night. The only time she would offer you anything sugary would be to bribe you. "S/N never lets me have ice cream." You said, slowly backing away from the girl in front of you. "What? Why are you talking about me like I'm not here? That's not very nice baby." That threw you off. Your sister never called you any nicknames. So whoever the person in front of you was wasn't your sister. You, being a smart child, slowly backed away from the person and towards your parent's room. The girl in front of you started laughing manically as she grabbed a knife, throwing it at you. It barely missed and you booked it. However opening the door to your parents room revealed a traumatizing sight. Both of them were... dead. Undoubtedly dead. Blood stained the sheets as you stood their in horror. That metallic smell filled your nose again as you keeled over and puked. "How unfortunate! Looks like you'll need a new family!" You stared in horror at the blonde girl who stood before you twirling a knife. It only made it worse that she had dressed in your sister's clothing. "I'll be your big sister now! But I don't wanna hurt you, baby. So be a good baby sister and play nice, okay?" 

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