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Platonic Yandere(s): Ochako Uraraka (Uravity)
Prompt: Flowers - Is it so hard to love me?

Ever since your last escape attempt where afterwards you'd blown up at her, Uravity, or 'mom' as she's been wanting you to call her, has been bringing you gifts. They were always flowers, ones that bloomed in all sorts of colors. As much as you wanted to let them die you didn't feel like taking away your only companions when she was gone. After all, you'd destroyed all the stuffed animals she'd gotten you after seeing a camera in one. So you would water the flowers using the watering can she'd provided and rant all the while. "She always hovers." You'd told a Bromeliad. "Never lets me outside anymore, can't even open a window." You'd ranted to an African Violet. "I just want to go home. To see my real mom again." You'd cried to a False Shamrock.

One day in the middle of one of your watering rants, she'd burst in. "Is it so hard to love me? After everything I've done for you? Everything I've done that that so called mother of yours never did? Making you safe? Giving you everything you ask for? All I wanted was for you to love me back!" After that she had stormed out, locking your bedroom door behind her. As you thought over your words something twisted deep in your gut. She did have a point. Your old mother had constantly brought home weird people and frequently talked and did deals with villains. You would never get anything but the bare minimum. But here, you had almost everything you could ever want. The pros and cons created an internal battle as well as a bad headache for you. But as you lay down for a nap that would hopefully help your head you were struck by a disturbing thought. You only ranted when you were 100% sure she wasn't home. So how did she know about your rants? Too bad you had never noticed the tiny microphone attached to your watering can...

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