3 - You Catch MY Drift

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Alexis POV

"Okay, I was thinking maybe a sweetheart neckline and some tulle overlapping some silk," Kaitlin said, looking at me expectantly. Her mom, Amy, seemed equally confused.

"Well, you're the designer, so whatever you think is best and will look nice," I replied, trying to hide my discomfort. The last thing I wanted was to discuss designs with Kaitlin while knowing her brother was involved.

"Oh, okay. I'll do that then. So, anything else?" Kaitlin asked.

"Yeah, could I see some more fabrics for the bridesmaids' dresses?" she continued.

"Sure, why don't you come on back so you can see some ideas," I suggested, leading her towards the storage room.

"Mom, could you call the caterer? They were supposed to get back to me," Kaitlin asked her mom.

"Sure, honey. I also have to check with the flowers, so I'll be heading out," Amy replied.

"Sounds good," Kaitlin acknowledged. Once we were alone, I guided her to the storage room.

"Um, Alexis, I have a question. It might be awkward, but I really am wondering about it," Kaitlin hesitated.

I braced myself, unsure of what she was about to ask. "Okay, shoot," I encouraged her.

"So, you see, when I came here last time with my brother, I noticed how he muttered your name when you came out. Do you know him?" Kaitlin inquired, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and concern.

Oh, wow. I wasn't expecting that. What should I say? Should I lie? No, wait. I'll tell her the truth, but not the whole truth.

"Well, yeah, I kinda know him. I've met him twice, actually," I admitted cautiously.

"Oh, really? When?" Kaitlin pressed further.

"Uh, at a party and at a bar," I vaguely answered, not wanting to delve into the details.

"Yeah, I was at a party with my friend, and he just sat down and started talking to me. Then I met him again at this bar," Kaitlin shared, seeking more information.

"Oh, okay. I was just wondering. He seemed off after seeing you, so..." Kaitlin's words trailed off, leaving me feeling a mix of relief and discomfort. I really didn't want to discuss this any further.

"Okay, um, so which color would you like to use for the bridesmaids' dresses?" I quickly changed the topic.

"Oh, I was thinking a peach champagne kind of color. I really like it, and I think it goes well with our theme," Kaitlin answered, her enthusiasm returning.

"Okay, cool. Sounds good. I can have the dresses ready for you in five weeks," I assured her, glad to shift our conversation back to the wedding preparations.

"Wow, that's soon. Thank you so much, Alexis. You don't understand how much this means to me," Kaitlin expressed her gratitude.

"Well, you only get married once, right?" I replied with a faint smile, attempting to lighten the mood.

"Haha, yes. Oh, actually, there's something I wanted to ask you. Would you like to come to my engagement party? I would love for my friends and family to meet the awesome designer behind the dresses," Kaitlin invited me.

"Oh, I would love to. When is it?" I asked, feeling a twinge of anxiety.

"It's at my brother's house on Tuesday, from 2:00 to 5:00," Kaitlin informed me.

Her brother's house! If he didn't know exactly who I am before, he will certainly find out now.

"Okay, sounds good. See you there," I replied, trying to sound as casual as possible, despite the knot of nerves forming in my stomach.

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