40 - Forever With Me

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Alexis POV
"But why!"

We were at the hotel, and Chloe was making us sleep in different room. To say that Will was not happy was an understatement.

"It's a tradition ya num sack, you will be fine with out her for a night."


He walked over to me and pressed a searing kiss on to my lips.

"I love you Alexis Fuller, and I can't wait for you to be Mrs Clements."

"Can't wait."

"Yea yea we get it you guys like each other that's why here at this damn hotel in the first place."

"Jeez, sweetheart are you sure you want her at the wedding."

"Um excuse me Will sisters before misters."

"Yea im pretty sure that I want my best friend at my wedding as the maid of honour."

"You heard her now go!"

"See you tomorrow love."

"Bye love you."

He winked at me and turned to walk to his room.

"Y'all are sappy."

Emma said as she watched him walk away.

"Girl just cause you don't have man doesn't mean you have to be salty about it."

"Come on ladies we have to get to bed."
I was getting ready for bed when my phone rang.


"Sweetheart, I can't sleep."

"Why not?"

"You know why....."

I bit my lip smiling to myself, he is never able to sleep without me.

"I can't help you here, you know how Chloe is she would kill me if I came to your room."

"Screw Chloe!"

"I just want to sleep in the same bed as my wife!"

My heart fluttered at that, we aren't even married yet.

"Come on please."

"William. These are the rules now come on and go to bed."



"Yea fine it's fine with me...."

It's not fine with him I can tell with the tone of his voice.

"Ok good, see you tomorrow."

"I will be the one in the tux."

"Got it."

"Love you."

"Love you sweetheart."

I was awoken from my sleep, when I felt the bed dip.

Looking the side, was Will climbing into my bed.

"What the hell are you doing here!"
I said pushing him away.

"It's against the rules!"

"Well shoot, rules are made to be broken sweetheart, now can I get that kiss I came for?"

He raised his brow at me leaning in for a kiss.

"Ok but you better be out before Chloe comes."

"You got it sweetheart I will be in and out like a ghost."

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