4 - Don't Come Looking For Me Im Moving To Russia

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I bid Kaitlin goodbye and made my way towards my car, feeling a sense of contentment after a successful evening. As I reached my car door, I heard my name being called, causing me to turn around and see Will jogging towards me. My eyebrows raised in surprise at his unexpected approach.

"Yes?" I responded, my tone cool and detached.

"Would you like to maybe go out for like a coffee or something?" he asked, his ears turning a faint shade of red as he nervously scratched the back of his neck.

My initial reaction was to decline, to maintain the distance I had carefully crafted between us. But then a mischievous smile spread across my face as I observed his confusion. It was an opportunity to turn the tables, to challenge his assumptions and break free from the typical dynamics that surrounded him.

"No thanks," I replied bluntly, relishing in the surprise that flickered across his face.

"What?" he asked, clearly taken aback by my response.

"I'm good, thanks," I repeated, my voice laced with a hint of playful defiance.

Confusion painted his features, and I couldn't help but let my grin widen.

"No one has ever told you no, huh?" I asked, my playful tone evident.

"Never..." he admitted, his brow furrowing in perplexity.

"Well, there's always a first time for everything, isn't there, quarterback?" I quipped, teasing him with a playful nickname.

With that, I turned on my heel, determined to leave him with a sense of bewilderment. I made my way towards my car, leaving him standing there, undoubtedly pondering the unexpected encounter.

Later that evening, I found myself cozy on the couch, engrossed in a heartwarming Hallmark movie. The emotions swelled within me, and I couldn't help but shed a few tears, reaching for the tissues nearby. Just as the movie concluded, I heard a key jingle outside, indicating Chloe's arrival.

"I hope you haven't started the movie without me!" Chloe called out, her voice filled with anticipation.

"No worries, Chlo. I just finished watching 'My Italian Lover,'" I replied, getting up from the couch and making my way towards her.

Getting up from the couch, I made my way towards the kitchen to dispose of my used tissues and grab a fresh batch of popcorn. It was a routine I followed every time I watched a romantic movie, knowing full well that tears were bound to flow.

As I reached for the trash bin, my phone chimed with a notification. I grabbed my phone and texted Emma.

"So how was it? Leo is hot, right!!!!" I texted my thumbs danced across the screen.

A burst of excitement filled me as I eagerly typed out another message. "I totally love him for Emily, but I can't help but imagine kissing the ever-loving hell out of him. And those abs... ahhh, I love them!"

Shooting her once last text I turned to leave the kitchen. "Hey, text me back, Em. Come on, I can't be the only one gushing over it, right!"

"Nope, definitely not the only one. My sister loves that movie too. But, honestly, I don't think Leo is that hot. I mean, I'm hotter and real. Definitely up for that date if you want ;)" A text from an unknown number came in.

"Wait, what?!" I exclaimed, confusion flooding my mind. I read the message again, desperately trying to understand the sudden shift in conversation.

Feeling a sense of dread, I responded hesitantly, "Um... sorry, but who is this?"

The reply came swiftly, and my heart dropped. "Take a guess, sweetheart," the sender taunted, instantly recognizing the nickname that only one person had ever used for me.

Panic washed over me as I frantically tried to comprehend how Will, of all people, had obtained my number. Questions raced through my mind, but there was no time to answer them. The sinking feeling of embarrassment consumed me.

"Um, Will, I am so sorry. I thought this was my friend. You can just ignore the past messages. Super sorry!" I hastily typed, desperately hoping to rectify the situation and move on.

Surprisingly, Will's response carried a hint of amusement. "Oh, no problem, sweetheart. I loved hearing what you would do to an imaginary mob boss. I didn't know you were this... imaginative."

My face flushed with embarrassment, and I let out an exasperated sigh. Why did these things always happen to me? It seemed like a never-ending cycle of awkward situations and mortifying encounters.

"I'm never going to live this down," I muttered to myself, the weight of humiliation pressing down on me.

The desire to hide away forever welled up within me, an overwhelming urge to escape the consequences of my impulsive messages.

"Chloe, don't come looking for me. I'm moving to Russia," I declared dramatically, hoping to emphasize the severity of my embarrassment.

"What?!" Chloe's voice echoed from the living room, a mixture of confusion and concern evident in her tone.

"Because my life is over, so just let me die," I melodramatically added, my words dripping with self-pity.

Concerned footsteps approached as Chloe made her way into the kitchen, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What happened, Lex?" she asked, her voice laced with both curiosity and amusement.

With a defeated sigh, I handed her my phone, urging her to read the exchange that had led to my current state of humiliation. As she scrolled through the messages, her laughter erupted, filling the room with infectious mirth.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you did this, only you, Lex... only you," Chloe managed to say through fits of laughter.

I crossed my arms, unable to find humor in the situation. "This is not funny, Chloe. It's mortifying!"

Wiping away tears of laughter, Chloe composed herself and looked at me with a reassuring smile. "Come on, Lex, it's not that bad. It's just a little embarrassing, that's all. Besides, Will seemed to find it amusing."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a mix of relief and annoyance. "That's easy for you to say. You're not the one who mistakenly sent flirty messages to someone you never intended to."

Chloe's expression softened, and she took a step closer, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. "I know it feels embarrassing now, but trust me, it'll blow over. These things happen, and we all make mistakes. You'll look back on this and laugh one day."

I let out a sigh, realizing that Chloe was right. There was no point in dwelling on my momentary lapse in judgment. I had to find a way to move past the embarrassment and not let it define me.

"Come on, Lex, let's go to bed. It's late, and you're clearly going crazy," Chloe suggested, a playful glint in her eyes.

Reluctantly, I nodded, accepting her offer of solace. As we walked towards our bedrooms, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Chloe's unwavering support and ability to find humor in even the most embarrassing situations.

Maybe, just maybe, I could find a way to laugh at myself and embrace the fact that life was full of awkward moments. As I closed my bedroom door behind me, I resolved to face the challenges that came my way with a sense of humor and a newfound resilience. After all, there was no point in hiding forever; it was time to face the world, even if it meant enduring a few good-natured teasing sessions along the way.

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