27 - Whiskey Neat

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Alexis POV
"Good morning!" A loud voice called waking me from my sleep.

"What..." I croaked, opening one eye wincing from the light.

"Why are you waking me up at this hour." I asked.

"Well I'm glad your finally sleeping, do want some breakfast?" Chole asked eagerly standing over my bed

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

"Alexis you have to eat."

"I have work sorry."

After my shower I dressed up in a gray shirt and black jeans. My usual straight brown hair in waves. I wore light make up.

"Morning Matt."

"Hey Lex how are you feeling."

"I'm fine."

" I have to go to work now, see you guys later."

"Bye have a good day!"
Drawing up a design, is a process I need to know what vision I want to use.
And because of that it is a long process to actually design the dress before making it.

I was working on a new design for our New Years collection when the bell for the store rang.

"Alexis can you get that please!"

"Sure Martha."

I walked out of the storage room and out to the lobby. And there he was standing just a few inches away from me.

His hair was disheveled, but in a good way. He was wearing a simple black shirt and a brown leather jacket. With jeans.

He looked like he hadn't slept in days, dark circles forming under his eyes,his eyes a tad more tried looking since I last saw him.

"What are you doing here." I asked careful not to let my voice shake.

"We need to talk Alexis." He said.

"What is there to talk about Will."

"I asked for space." I said inhaling sharply.

"And that's what I'm giving you, but we can't keep going on like this."

"I miss you Alexis, I haven't slept in days, and I just want you back."

"Well that's not my problem is it." My voice was bitter.

"Don't act like you are doing any better, I know you haven't been eating well." He snapped back stepping closer to me.

How does he know that!

"How, do you know that?" I asked my voice quite.

"Matt told me, he said you haven't been sleeping well either." He answered his hands were deep in his pockets.

That little traitor, I'm going to have a few words with him when I get home.

"Stop turning this on about me, I'm asking you for a little more space." I pleaded.

"Fine, but please start eating well, I don't want you getting hurt on my account." He asked his voice low and serious.

"Ok." I said truthfully.

He gave me one last glance and walked out the door.

I was on my way home when I got a call from Josh.

"Hey Josh what's up?"

"Oh, hey Alexis I'm stopping by in La tonight so you wanna meet up?"

"Sure I would love too."

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