Everything is Fine

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TW: lime and manipulation

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As soon as I saw my phone change to six a.m., I whipped off my sheets and slipped on my clothes and shoes which was a lot more difficult and time-consuming after the events of last night.

I called an uber and went to the only place I knew I would find comfort.

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Dream was understandably confused when I rang his doorbell. It took a couple of rings, and when he finally answered, he opened the door with only sweatpants on, eyes squinted and tired, hair messed up in a cute way. "George?" he said in his deep morning voice.

I didn't even ask to come in. I didn't say a single word. I just hugged him and didn't let go even when we both collapsed on the couch. My hands didn't leave his waist the whole time.

*Dream POV*

"George, are you okay? What's going on?" I whispered softly, alternating between threading my fingers through his hair and caressing his cheek.

He had burst into tears shortly after we sat down and hadn't stopped. I was fine with that, though. If he needed to cry, he could let it out around me. I don't judge. Sometimes you just need a good cry.

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I whispered into his hair.

He shook his head against my bare chest, tickling me with his soft locks. I nodded, too tired to realize that he couldn't see me. "Okay, that's okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. You can sit here for as long as you want and let everything out."

George eventually tired himself out and fell asleep hugging me tightly, breathing deeply. I rested my eyes, listening to his breaths. I was too scared to admit one of my favorite things to do with George or any romantic partner was cuddling. Neither of my girlfriends liked to cuddle, but George seemed to like it. Maybe not as much as me, but I could tell he enjoyed being wrapped up in my arms. He always looked so comforted and peaceful pressed up against my body. I liked the feeling of protecting him and keeping him safe from the dangers of the world, though he was pretty much already exposed to most of them anyway.

After a while, I fell asleep, resting my head against the couch. I woke up a couple of hours later and glanced at my phone. 9:57 a.m. I looked at George still resting comfortably against my chest. His forehead was right there and there were his perfect pink lips right below that. Would he mind if I kissed him right now? He seems pretty serious and happy with his roommate and I don't know if I want to ruin anything between them. Maybe if we were together he wouldn't mind... I opted for kissing his forehead, the urge being too strong to ignore.

I had placed the kiss ever so softly on his head, but his eyes fluttered open anyway. His dark eyes met mine, his getting a little wider as he glanced around, probably not remembering that he came here. His lips soon curled into a small smile and with a little hesitation in his movements, kissed me softly and slowly.

I looked down at him questionably, not sure if he knew what he was doing or not. Was he sure he wanted to kiss me?

Without giving me time to consider the possibilities of why he would want to kiss me when there was clearly something going on with his roommate, he closed the gap in between our faces and placed a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled away only for a second to look into my eyes and lower his own. I knew that look.

I moved my head back. "Are you sure?"

"Mmhm," he breathed against my lips, longing for them to touch again.

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