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TW: forced consumption of drugs

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*Dream's POV*

It had been a week since George last texted me. I texted him little updates throughout the day hoping he'd respond even if it was just a simple "ok" or something like that. At first I was convinced TJ had blocked my number again, but then I remembered that George texted me right after I landed a week ago saying he was packing up and moving out the next morning. I thought for sure he would want to tell me how it went, but I never heard. I asked if everything was okay but never heard anything back. He did say he had a lot of work to catch up on. Maybe I was just being paranoid. He probably just needed a break and needed to focus on his school work.

I collapsed onto the couch with my new pet cat I had just gotten a couple days ago. George mentioned he liked cats but could never keep one with his small living space. I didn't really love cats but I didn't mind them. For George though, I would learn to love them. I mean, I was already starting to love Patches which is what I named her. I couldn't wait for George to come over and meet her. I could practically see the excitement on his face. It made me smile.

Patches purred next to me while I pondered on whether or not to call George. Was I being obsessive? No - I was just worried...right? I think this is normal behavior. I picked up my phone and dialed his number.

*3rd Person POV*

TJ looked over to see George's phone buzzing in a rhythmic pattern. The contact read "Dream" with a green heart. TJ rolled his eyes and let it ring out. Dream would probably come here if the call was silenced, he thought.

*caution: forced consumption of drugs*

He turned back to what he was originally working on: dosing George with drugs. He had finally mastered the correct amount to give him. He wanted him out of it but he didn't want him to, well, die. After a few days raising the dosage, he finally solved his problem.

He was just about to give George his second dose of the day when Dream called again. George moaned softly through the tape on the bed when the needle was inserted in his arm. "Give up Dream, jesus christ," TJ muttered through his teeth. When the phone finally stopped buzzing, TJ gathered a few small pills in his fingers. He ripped off the tape on his captive's mouth.

*end of forced consumption of drugs*

George muttered something incoherent. TJ had been doing George with so many drugs to the point where he can barely recognize anyone. Not only is he involuntarily dosed with drugs, but TJ's way of maintaining control and discipline was beatings followed by what TJ called "make up sex." However, to George it was rape. On top of that, sensory deprivation was getting the better of him. His eyes were always covered and TJ made sure to always leave a white noise sound machine on. The only sounds George knew were white noise, TJ's voice, the sound of his own flesh ripping, his own bones cracking occasionally, and TJ's moans.

TJ put his knife up to George's neck. "Remember what I said yesterday, slut?"

George muttered something else.

TJ pressed his knife harder to George's skin. "No fucking talking. When you learn to behave I could probably untie this..." He fiddled with the blindfold, teasing George.

George just nodded and didn't protest when TJ gave him pills and water. He learned a couple days ago that protesting got him nowhere when TJ left cuts on all his fingers promising next time he would detach one. George also learned to use his facial muscles through the drugs. They weren't as heavy as they were before, but still effective.TJ hadn't quite figured out how to completely paralyze him without overdosing.

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