Tutoring Behind Closed Doors (part I)

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TW: drugging/forced consumption of drugs (literally the whole chapter), inappropriate touching of a minor (for the warning I will put ITM)

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*3rd Person POV*

It had been 5 days since George was forcibly given his first dose of drugs. However George could barely tell what time it was and much less what day it was. He lost count at 3 days and then gave up after the days started to blur together. TJ would give him a dose before bed and then before classes to keep him quiet all day. Sometimes he would come in between classes and give him a small dose if he noticed George coming out of his weary, drugged up state. TJ claimed he was just trying to get the dosing right for the first couple of days to see how much or how little would affect George.

George's head was often filled with visions of the outdoors. He prayed that one day he would get to see outside again. He thought of his mum and how she would get worried if he didn't return her call when he would eventually miss it. Most of all he thought of Dream. He longed to touch Dream again. He wanted their fingers interlaced more than anything right now...

As TJ forced him to swallow yet another pill, (he had learned to just obey TJ now...no point in fighting) he also felt the pinch of a needle in his arm. His eyes flicked to the side though he couldn't see anything due to the blindfold. Why would he be giving him a pill and a needle filled with god knows what?

As George started to grow weak and his eyes felt heavy, TJ unlocked and removed the handcuffs as well as the blindfold. He carried him to the closet hurriedly and after placing George inside, he closed it quietly right as TJ's phone rang.

"Hello?" TJ answered through the phone. There was a slight pause before he spoke again, "Oh, yes! I'll be right down! Thank you for letting me know, Mrs. Zapper." With that, he left the room and came back 30 seconds later with a boy about 12 or 13 years old.

*George's POV*

I tried to look through the small crack in the closet door, but my vision was a bit limited due to my body refusing to move. I couldn't even lift a finger. The only thing I could do was move my eyes and eyelids. Paralysis is most likely the pill or needle's doing, I thought.

TJ and the boy sat down on TJ's bed. I found it a little odd but I guess there really isn't a good place for two people to study in here. The desk space is way too small for two people.

"Jeremy, right?" TJ said, opening his notebook.

"Yeah," the boy said though he looked a little timid about something.

"Oh, is there another name you like to be called?" TJ said leaning forward slightly. He seemed to genuinely care about this kid.

"I like Jer. Everyone calls me Jer." He smiled.

"Okay, Jer." TJ flashed a smile. "I know this is our first session so I always like to ask that."

"What do you like to be called? Thomas? James? Thomas James?" Jer asked.

TJ smiled, but it wasn't the friendly, comforting smile like before. I couldn't put my finger on what this smile made me feel, but I knew I didn't like it, whatever it was.

*caution: ITM*

"Well," TJ started, "You get the privilege of calling me TJ. I don't let all my students call me TJ but I feel like I can make an exception for you cause you're so cute." He winked and put a hand just above Jer's knee.

*end of ITM*

My stomach flipped. Butterflies erupted in my stomach. Why did this feel so wrong all of a sudden? Well, I know why. One, it's TJ. And two...he just touched a kid somewhere he really shouldn't be touching. I probably just misinterpreted it. TJ has me on so many drugs nowadays I could be hallucinating for all I know. Speaking of drugs, shouldn't that one that he told me makes me sleepy be kicking in by now? He probably doesn't want me watching this...so he did give me that one, right? Not that I'm complaining, though. The less drugs the better.

"Anyways," TJ started. "Let's start with geometry. If I remember correctly your mom said that's what you were having trouble with."

Jer nodded. "Yes," he answered shyly.

*caution: ITM*

The boy didn't look at TJ for the first 10 minutes of the session. His eyes stayed trained on the book and his notebook. The session seemed to be pretty normal except Jer didn't seem to be getting a lot of the questions right. However, what I didn't see until the last few minutes was TJ's curious hands wandering around the boy's body. It was so subtle though I still wondered how I had missed it until now. Jer would flinch or shiver every time TJ would place a hand on him. I felt sick watching this unfold into something even worse.

As TJ became even more touchy with the boy, he got even more questions wrong. TJ finally frowned and placed his hand on Jer's upper thigh. "I can tell you're getting frustrated," he said with fake softness.

*end of ITM*

Jer made eye contact with TJ and then nodded.

"Why don't we play a game to relieve some stress? You like games right?"

The room was dead silent until Jer narrowed his eyes a little and cocked his head. "What kind of game?"

"Trust me, you'll like it," he said. With that, he smiled and began explaining the rules of the dirty game that was definitely not suitable for minors.

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