The Visit (part II)

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TW: blood, cutting, forced consumption of drugs

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*3rd Person POV*

A knock on the door startled both TJ and George out of sleep. The only difference between their two sleep states was that George had barely gotten a couple hours before the knock whereas TJ had gotten around 6 or 7 hours.

TJ slipped out of bed, rubbing his eyes. He walked to the door slowly, still half asleep. He looked through the peephole first and almost jumped back in surprise. "Shit!" he whispered to himself. He quickly threw on a shirt, combed his fingers through his hair, then opened the door.

"Hey Dave," TJ said smiling.

Technoblade's expression hardened as he pushed TJ aside. As he walked in the room, he berated TJ for not using his code name. "You never get to call me that, understand?"

TJ nodded out of fear. "Sorry, Techno." He paused for a second. "I'm also sorry that I'm not more awake. I didn't think you were coming until 8 or 9."

"Yeah, I changed my mind," he muttered monotonously.

"Um, I'm going to get a little freshened up. I'll just be 5 minutes!" TJ said running out of the room, grabbing clothes and his morning essentials.

"Alright," Techno muttered.

He approached George after TJ left. He threaded his fingers through George's hair and hummed, thinking, analyzing. "Thought you escaped me last year, didn't you?" Techno said to George. "You and Dream both forget that I am always one step ahead of you." He rambled on. "I didn't think TJ would do a good job, you know, being new and everything, but he managed to not only hold you here for several days, but also shut you up with the stuff I provided for him. Don't tell him, but I'm impressed with him." It was quiet for a minute before Techno spoke again, "He told me you were a little fucked up with all the Propofol and Midazolam, but I wonder if you recognize me..." He began to take the blindfold off George's eyes.

At that moment, TJ ran inside and within a split second yelled, "No! Don't take it off!" He shooed Techno away and fixed the blindfold.

"What's the big deal, TJ? We're gonna have to take it off at some point."

"What? No! You said I could do whatever I want to him and I want to blindfold him until we track and kill Dream." George's head snapped to the left where the two were standing. True, he couldn't see anything, but he heard every word loud and clear now that the drugs from last night were wearing off. And yeah, TJ sounded a little like a child, but he still managed to scare George with his words.

"You didn't want to cut up his pretty little face?" Techno sounded disappointed as he stroked George's cheek. George shivered, holding back tears.

TJ shook his head. "I think his abdomen should be fine."

Techno smiled. "Looks like you have already exhausted that area, though." He trailed his hands across George's practically naked body. The only dignity he had left was his small boxers, the waistband dotted with blood.

"Trust me. I've been doing this for a couple weeks."

Techno raised his eyebrows and shrugged. "Alright then. If you say so. Get your knife ready."

"We're not going to use yours?" Now TJ sounded disappointed.

"Nah, it won't be good for interrogation. He passes out too much."

TJ pulled out his knife along with the drugs and needles he had been storing. He was about to insert a needle into the bottle when Techno stopped him. "What're you doing?"

"Making sure he doesn't scream when we cut him."

Techno shook his head. "I got something better for that."

TJ raised his eyebrows in surprise when Techno pulled out the bottle. With a little quiver in his voice, TJ half whispered, "What-Hydrocodone? Isn't that dangerous? It'll kill him!"

"Nah, only in large amounts," Techno replied unbothered, filling up the needle with the liquid.

"No, I know it won't hurt him alone, but with the stuff I've already given him - it could kill him!"

"Relax. I've done this before. Now shut your mouth and let me do my work."

*caution: forced consumption of drugs*

TJ shut up, most likely out of fear and stood beside Techno as he administered the shot.

*end of forced consumption of drugs*

"Let's try to get this done within 20 minutes," Techno said, gesturing to TJ to use his knife.

"Wait, I thought we were letting it kick in first?"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"People are going to wonder why they hear screaming coming from my room!"

"I got that covered," he said, pulling a piece of cloth and belt out. Without warning, he shoved the cloth in George's mouth and then shoved the belt in after it before securing it tightly around his head. "That should be good enough." Techno looked proudly at his work. "Okay, carry on," he said, stepping away from George.

*caution: blood/cutting*

TJ approached George with some hesitation and while looking at his shaking body, cut him deep on the side of his abdomen right over the ribs. George remembered that TJ had broken one or two of them a couple days before so that pain was more intense that he anticipated. He screamed through the belt and cloth, fire spreading over his whole body as the tip of the blade reached the broken bone. He tried to scream for help but the cloth swallowed up every sound he made. Techno and TJ both smiled at the sweating, screaming boy below them on the bed.

*end of blood/cutting*

"Alright stop for a second," Techno instructed TJ.

TJ backed away and let Techno take control. "George," Techno said quietly.

George didn't make a sound because he was too busy almost passing out from the pain. His head lolled to the side and his eyes closed briefly before he felt the blindfold ripped off his eyes. His eyes shut tightly, the light being too bright. After a minute he opened his eyes, desperate to look around, but instead he was greeted with Techno in his face. He flinched backwards, eyes wide with fear. He started to thrash around when Techno pulled out his knife, although he couldn't move much due to the restraints being so goddamn tight.

"Oh so he does remember me." Techno laughed. "Now listen, George," he started, close to George's face. "I need you to tell me everything you know about Dream. I know you know where he lives. I know you know he has another job. And I also know he loves you and would do anything to save your life, well, he kinda failed the first time, but now he'd try twice as hard to save you this time around." He paused and undid one of the restraints on my wrist. He got out a piece of paper and fit a pen in my hand. "Tell me what you know."

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