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TW: description of an abused body (bruises, cuts, etc.), vomit, mention of roofie/date rape drug, verbal suicidal thoughts

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I relax on the couch ready to fall asleep when Adam approaches me with a bottle of water and a piece of toast with butter.

"Drink and eat, George, please." Adam shoved the food and water into my hands and made sure I drink at least half the water before walking away to check on my phone charging on his apartment's kitchen counter. I didn't memorize Dream's number and obviously I was the only one who had his number entered in my phone.

"Still not charged yet. We'll give it a few more minutes," Adam said coming over to sit on the couch. He plopped down next to me and my head, being heavier than usual, fell onto his shoulder. He chuckled softly. "You okay?" he said stifling a laugh.


"George, um, you don't have to tell me what happened but know if he hurting can tell me. Or if you don't want to tell me then tell this Dream guy, okay? But if it's really bad, you should go to the police..." A few seconds go by with us just taking in what he said before he adds, "Just my take on it. Promise me you'll tell someone if you need help."

I look up at him but before I can answer, I hear my phone buzz and without having a second thought I quickly run over to it, almost falling flat on my face twice. I look up Dream's contact info and the first thing I realize is the big red letters spelling out, "UNBLOCK CONTACT." In a sudden realization, my jaw drops for a split second. I tap the button and immediately call Dream.

My conversation with him was relatively short because I can barely articulate anything. It also didn't help that Dream was a little disoriented after waking up from my phone call trying to understand slurred speech. Adam stepped in halfway through me trying to tell Dream what the situation was for the second time in a row and took over the conversation while I sat on the couch, eating the rest of the toast.

*Dream's POV*

After a long time of not seeing George and not having him reply to my texts or calls, I still decided to pick him up. He probably didn't want to see me which is why he wasn't replying to me...but why was he calling all of a sudden at 2 a.m.? Also, I wasn't going to not help him just to get back at him or whatever. He needed my help and I should help him because I still care about him. Hell, I love him, but I don't know if I should tell him that with his current situation.

I pulled up to a small apartment complex on campus and was greeted outside by a drunk George and a tall brunette with round glasses - that was probably Adam who I spoke to on the phone. "Drrreeeaaammmm," George slurred out, wrapping his arms around my waist.

Before I could properly greet Adam and introduce myself, George brought me into a long, passionate kiss which I was clearly not ready for. "Woah, settle down, George," I whispered to him after he pulled away. I practically carried him into the front seat of the car and shut the door, leaving him alone while I talked to Adam.

"Hey, sorry about that," I said. "I'm Clay." I extended my hand for him to shake.

"I'm Adam." He shook my hand. "I didn't know you and George were um...a thing or something?"

I sighed. I was confused about the whole situation and I wanted to unpack all my emotions and feelings, but obviously I wasn't going to do this with a guy who was pretty much a stranger up until 30 seconds ago. "We're not exactly a thing, but we were together about a year ago. I never know where he's at with us."

"Oh, well, thanks for picking him up."

"No problem. Nice meeting you. Maybe I'll see you sometime soon?"

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