Off Balance

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TW: rape, abuse, forced consumption of alcohol, vomit

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*3rd Person POV*

George's head pounded and all he wanted to do was lay down and close his eyes. If he wasn't practically held up by TJ, he probably would've passed out already.

TJ looked proudly at George and then back at the bottle George finished. He tossed the bottle on the floor, making a soft clanking sound on the carpet.

Through glazed vision, George let TJ guide him down the corridors of the house, knocking on seemingly empty rooms only to close them two seconds later. Finally, after knocking on a door halfway down the second hallway, TJ knocked on the door and and was about to pull George in when Adam grabbed George's shoulder.

"Hey, why don't you come back down and continue playing with us?" he said. It was more than a suggestion, George knew, even though his brain was doing somersaults.

Adam studied George's face for a second before gripping both his shoulders and attempted to steady him. George was pale, sweaty, and looked like he was about to pass out at any second. "Hey are you okay?" he asked softly.

The words went in one ear and out the other. George couldn't concentrate on anything. Adam's face even looked blurry to him.

"What's going on? he asked, now addressing TJ realizing the situation at hand a little more now.

TJ forcefully removed Adam's hands from George and pulled him closer. "Isn't it clear? George doesn't feel good and I'm helping him. We're going to rest in here for awhile and figure it out from there. I've got it covered, thanks for your concern, though," TJ said almost passive aggressively.

"Why don't I help?" Adam said, grabbing George's arm.

"No, it's fine," TJ said, taking a deep breath. He was very close to exploding and letting his emotions take over, but he didn't crack yet. He couldn't.

George muttered something incomprehensible. Adam grabbed him again, but this time he looked worse up close. "George, I need to know—are you okay?"

George glanced back at TJ, but Adam turned his head back to face him. "No, don't look at him. Look at me." He made eye contact with George even though he wasn't all there. "Are you okay? I can help you if you need it. Just tell me. It's okay."

George's eyes stung with tears. He understood the words and he knew all he needed to do was throw himself in Adam's arms and he would be okay, but TJ was a faster thinker.

"Okay, you know what-fuck off! He's my boyfriend!" he said yanking George away from Adam and entering the room. He managed to lock the door within a second of closing the door, then turned his attention to George who was now on the floor, semi-conscious.

*caution: forced consumption of alcohol*

TJ shoved a cup that smelled of a strong smelling liquor in George's face. "Drink it," he commanded. Excited that it may be water, George downed the contents of the cup, only to choke on it and almost spit it out. "Don't spit it out!" TJ yelled, covering George's mouth with his hand. "Swallow!" George looked up at him pleading, but TJ furrowed his eyebrows. "Swallow, now!"

George obeyed, feeling the burn of alcohol in his throat.

*end of forced consumption of alcohol*

George collapsed again on the floor, ready to pass out when he felt a stabbing pain on the left side of his body. It took him a second to realize that TJ had kicked him in the ribs.

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