Chapter 23: Riders To The Rescue

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Stoick: When we crack this mountain open, all hell is going to break loose.

Gobber: In my undies. Good thing I brought extras.

Hiccup, Clara, & Carol: Ew.

Stoick: No matter how this ends, it ends today.

[Catapults break a hole into the side of the mountain, and a flaming ball of straw reveals thousands of dragons inside. Stoick charges in screaming loudly, and all the dragons flee in terror, not a single one attacking.]

Gobber: Is that it?

Hiccup: Oh no.

Spitelout: We've done it!

[A loud roar is heard and the mountain starts to crack.]

Stoick: This isn't over. Form your ranks! Hold together!

Sugar Plum Cookie: I can't look!

The Fairy Cookie hides under Clarity's paws.

Stoick (cont.): Get clear!

Gobber: Beard of Thor... what is that?

[The Red Death, a dragon more than five times the size of the Vikings' ships, breaks out of the mountain, roaring furiously.]

Stoick: Odin, help us. Catapults!

Viking #3: Get to the ships!

Stoick: No! NO!

Gobber: Heh. Smart, that one.

Stoick: I was a fool.

Hiccup: Yup.

Stoick (cont.): (To Spitelout) Lead the men to the far side of the island.

Spitelout: Right. Everybody to the far side of the island!

Stoick: Gobber, go with the men.

Gobber: I think I'll stay, just in case you're thinking of doing something crazy.

Astrid then glanced at the father and son. They always do something crazy.

Stoick: I can buy them a few minutes if I give that thing someone to hunt.

Gobber: Then I can double that time.

Stoick: HERE!

Gobber: Oh, no, HERE!

Gobber (cont.): Come on! Bite me!

Stoick: No, me!

Everyone was shocked when they saw an explosion on the queen as the Dragon Riders came to view.

Hiccup: Ruff, Tuff, watch your backs! Move, Fishlegs!

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