Chapter 42: Heart of a Chief and Soul of a Dragon

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[Stoick's ship drifts out to sea. Snotlout retrieves two arrows. Gobber hands a bow and arrow to Hiccup during his eulogy for Stoick.]

Everyone lowered their heads for the loss of their chief on-screen.

Gobber: May the Valkyries welcome you, and lead you through Odin's great battlefield. May they sing your name with love and fury, so that we may hear it rise from the depths of Valhalla... and know that you've taken your rightful place at the table of kings. For a great man has fallen. A warrior. A chieftain. A father. A friend.

[Hiccup shoots a flaming arrow to light Stoick's ship. The others follow suit.]

Hiccup: I'm sorry, Dad. [All the dragon riders wipe away tears.] I'm not the chief that you wanted me to be. And I'm not the peacekeeper I thought I was. I don't know...

Valka: You came early into this world. You were such a wee thing. So frail, so fragile. I feared you wouldn't make it. But your father... he never doubted. He always said you'd become the strongest of them all. And he was right. You have the heart of a chief and the soul of a dragon. Only you can bring our worlds together. That is who you are, son.

Hiccup: Heart of a chief... Soul of a dragon...

Hiccup: I was so afraid of becoming my dad. Mostly because I thought I never could. How do you become someone that great? That brave? That selfless? I guess you can only try. (Hiccup's sadness becomes a fierce determination) A chief protects his own. We're going back.

Tuffnut: But with what?

Tuffnut: Uh, with what?

Ruffnut: He took all the dragons.

Hiccup: Not all of them.

Valka beamed.

Valka: The babies!

Everyone looks at her like she's crazy.

[They all are seen riding the baby Scuttleclaws, which were left in the sanctuary as the Alpha cannot control them. But not very well, as they ignore their riders and fly erratically.]

Ruffnut: Fly straight, WILL YA?!

Fishlegs: I don't want to die!

Tuffnut: We can't fly these things!

Fishlegs: Yeah, no kidding! [Crashes through snow pile]

Ruffnut: Even though it's fun for both of us, I don't that is a good idea.

Tuffnut agreed while everyone was surprised.

Astrid: But won't that Bewilderbeast just take control of these guys, too?

Hiccup: They're babies. They don't listen to anyone!

Tuffnut: Yeah, just like us!

The Thorstons agreed.

Gobber: This... is... [crashes into wall and recovers] very dangerous! [crashes again and recovers] Some might suggest this is poorly conceived.

Hiccup: Well, it's a good thing that I never listen.

Gobber: So, -- what IS your -- plan?

Hiccup: Get Toothless back and kick Drago's--

[Hiccup is interrupted by an iceberg.]

Gobber: Heads up!

Hiccup: And that thing.

[Gobber crashes into the ice again.]

Carol quietly wheezed after Gobber crashed into the ice. Clara managed to stop her before else.

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