Chapter 44: Welcome Home

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[The dragons, including Cloudjumper (who appears very proud of his Night Fury friend), bow to Toothless, the new Alpha. Toothless smugly soaks up the attention and roars in victory, and the dragons join in.]

Toothless beamed knowing he'll become an alpha.

Hiccup: You never cease to amaze me, bud. Thank you.

[Toothless licks him.]

Everyone laughs.

Hiccup: Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out.

[The dragons come back to their riders.]

Hoark: I knew you'd come back.

Viking: Love you, too.

[Gothi's Terrible Terrors cover her.]

Astrid: Stormfly!

Gobber: Oh, give me a cuddle, Grumpy!

Everyone giggled seeing the blacksmith squashed like a pancake.

Fishlegs: Who's my little princess?

[Ruffnut holds her arms out to Fishlegs and Snotlout, but they run past her.]

Snotlout: Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang!

Fishlegs: Oh, you are. Yes, you are. I missed you so much!

Ruffnut: Oh, Barf!

[Ruffnut hugs Barf.]

Ruffnut:[To Belch] Not you.

[Tuffnut hugs Belch.]

Hiccup: Guys, same dragon.

Eret: That was some pretty fine dragon wrangling back there. You'd make a good trapper.

Hiccup: Y'know, Skullcrusher's gonna need somebody to look after him now.

Eret: Me?

[Hiccups nods.]

Eret:I'd be honored.

Hiccup: Is it okay for you, Dad.

Stock nods.

Stoick: As long as he treated him well.

Valka: Your father... he'd be every bit as proud as I am.

Stoick: And I am.

Hiccup: Thank you. I'm really glad you're here, mom.

Valka: And here I'll stay.

Astrid: See? I told you it was in here. [Opens Hiccup's gliding suit fin.]

Hiccup: Ha, ha. Still doing that one? That's hilarious. Come here, you. [Kisses Astrid.]

The Dawn twins squealed at the Hiccstrid scene while the couple turned red. Ellie and Snotlout gagged and the Haddock parents smiled.

Gobber: Ooh. [Covers boy's eyes.]

Malissa: Oh Gobber.

[Gothi taps Hiccup's shoulder and gestured for him to kneel. She uses coal to draw the Chief symbol on Hiccup's forehead.]

Stoick beamed meaning Hiccup is ready soon.

Gobber: The Chief has come home!

Vikings: Long live Chief Hiccup! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief!

Everyone is also chanting "Long Live The Chief" as well.

[The dragons fire into the sky.]

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