Chapter 32: Handing Out

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[Eret's ship is seen sailing through the ocean.]

Eret: Keep your eyes peeled, lads! With this wind, we'll reach Drago by daybreak, so best we fill this ship up with dragons and quick! It's no time to be picky.

Ug: Uh...Eret?

Eret: Not if we want to keep our--

[Toothless and Stormfly are spotted flying towards them.]

Eret: HEADS! OFF THE PORT QUARTER! Net 'em, lads! Take 'em down!

Teeny: Up on the left!

Eret: You're not getting away this time. Fire! (Net misses) Reload!

Teeny: Come on, reload! Incoming!

Eret: And here I was worried we might turn up empty-handed.

Hiccup: Nope. It's your lucky day. We give up.


Hiccup curled in a ball in embarrassment.

Hiccup: That's one Night Fury, one Deadly Nadder and two of the finest dragon riders west of Luk Tuk. That oughtta make the boss happy, right? Excuse us.

Astrid: What are you doing?

Astrid: That's what I need to know.

Hiccup: Toothless, stay. The dragons don't really care for cramped spaces, so they'll just hang out with you. They won't be any trouble.

[The Dragon Trappers pull out their swords and spears. Startled, Toothless growls.]

Sugar Plum Cookie: Pffft.

Hiccup: Unless you do that. Wooden boat, big ocean-- How's your swimming?

No-Name: Not good.

Clara rolled her eyes.

Clara: Of course, they could say that.

[A burst of flame erupts from the live well, causing the crewmen to jump back. Hiccup thrusts Inferno through the grate.]

Hiccup: Oops. Almost forgot. Can't have armed prisoners.

[He retracts the blade and offers it up. Teeny cautiously takes it, looking it over.]

Astrid: How is this a plan?

Hiccup: Just what every Dragon Trapper needs. One end coats the blade in Monstrous Nightmare saliva.

[The pommel of the hilt is expelling green gas.]

The Zipplebacks beamed when they saw their green gas.

Hiccup: The other sprays Hideous Zippleback gas. All it takes is a spark and...

[No-Name clicks the lighter, igniting the gas. Hiccup ducks as the sudden explosion sweeps over the deck.]

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