Chapter 7

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I'm choking on nervousness, but I swallow it down. I refuse to let anyone see anything except determination as I step into the Council Chamber with my father by my side.

His comforting hand on my back puts steel into my spine as we step forward down the aisle. Ignoring the gasps and stares from the public we take our seats at a table opposite the high bench where the Prime 10 are seated.

Sebastian's scent assaults me and I feel his eyes boring into me. His surprise, anger, and hurt, hit me like a wave through the strings of our fresh bond.

Last night, it took every inch of my willpower to not open my door and let him fuck me again until morning. I hid, locked in my bathroom, tears streaming down my face until he left.

Dealing with heartbroken she-wolves this morning has given me the focus and determination to do what I need to do today. Young Hanna was especially distraught. The poor omega had been mated to an epsilon from a minor pack. Usually, it would have been considered an honor for a minor pack wolf to be mated to a wolf from a Prime10 pack, even an omega she-wolf. But that fucking male-barren curse shit just destroyed Hanna's hopes. Her mate rejected her on the spot. Picturing Hanna's pained, tear-stained face, I collect myself and look up at the nine Alphas with more determination than ever to fix this bullshit.

My sister's mates are just as surprised as everyone else. Me being the Alpha heir of Crystal Moon has been our pack's most closely guarded secret. Successful in keeping because of the Alpha command issued by my father to all our pack members. Breaking an Alpha Command would end with the wolf severing their link to the pack and becoming rogue. Not a fate any wolf would want.

My sisters too were sworn to secrecy with a blood oath when they came of age. No doubt their mates will have something to say about it later but my sisters know how to handle their mates.

My eyes are drawn to Sebastian. He looks like a fucking God, so damn sexy in a navy blue suit, tailored to perfection. The rich fabric hugs his muscular frame, his gorgeous hazel green eyes piercing mine as he leans forward on his forearms glaring me down. He is not happy.

He looks like he wants to eat me up and throttle me at the same time. Is it wrong that I'm turned on by the thought? 

I feel an uncomfortable throbbing between my legs and my dad clears his throat. Clenching my thighs under the table I look blindly at the papers in front of me.

Alpha Hans breaks the silence in the chamber.

"Is this some kind of joke Alpha Quill?" Hans demands, his fists clenched.

"I assure you Alpha Hans it is not." My father stands proudly, staring straight at his frowning co-councilman.

"I am here today to present my daughter, Genesis Neo Highwater, as my chosen heir, also my heir by birthright, as the next Alpha of Crystal Moon." he begins.

"Alpha Quill, you are aware that she-wolves cannot be Alphas." Alpha Hans states, his eyes looking at me with disdain.

"It may be a tradition, but, correct me if I am wrong, there is no specific law that prohibits she-wolves from being chosen as Alpha of a pack." my father replies.

There is no correction forthcoming, for there is no such law. We have crossed our tees and dotted our I's on this.

"Be that as it may, this is highly unusual, and certainly Wolf tradition, given to us by the Moon Goddess herself, dictates packs be run by he-wolves, not she-wolves." Alpha Hans, ever the traditionalist plays his hand, but we were expecting nothing less.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ