Chapter 37

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I cringe as my front door is virtually kicked in and a hoard of blondes come tumbling in.

“Hey bitch, I missed you!” I’m dragged into a hug by Delilah which is replaced by Cordelia with her huge belly, then Arabella, Belinda, Freya, and Mom, by which time I’m on the verge of tears.

The last time we were all together was at Dad’s funeral, and I still miss him, his loss so fresh. He should have been here today.

Mom senses my emotions.

“I miss him too sweetie. So much so some days I can barely breathe.” I kiss her cheek. She’s lost weight and her eyes are shadowed with sadness but I can feel her inner strength, she will pull through.

“I love you mom.”

“I love you too Genesis, and I’m so proud of you. Your dad is too.”

I sigh feeling calmer and look around as my kitchen is raided by hungry she-wolves.

“Hey, where’s Eva?” Belinda asks.

“She’s back under house arrest. I let her out for dads funeral but until she appears before the council she has to stay remanded. She can’t even be let out for my accession.”

I hate what I’m forced to do but I have to stay neutral on this, as hard as it is.

“I don’t think that’s fair at all, this is all Dante’s fault.” Belinda scowls and the conversation descends into a slagging of Dante.

I tune out. I hate Dante as much as they all do but he’s here right now hunting for my accession, which Sebastian orchestrated so for now I’ll play nice.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like it when later that afternoon the hunting haul is brought in.

My sisters and I wait on the edge of the woods for the return of the hunting party and when they appear, eight giant Alpha wolves, emerging victorious and proud from the hunt, there wasn’t a dry set of panties to be sniffed.

Three trucks come driving down the dirt road, Donovan, Mateo and Adrian on the back with the loaded deer and elk carcasses.

My jaw drops at the sight and Zeke makes his way over. Lyka has me trembling as Zeke stands proudly in front of be.

I walk forward and stroke his soft fur, picking out twigs and leaves.

“Oh Zeke, you are such a showboat, I thought I said to leave some game behind,” he growls and nuzzles my head as I entwine my arms around his muscular neck.

I look over at the other wolves pulling myself away from Zeke.

“Thank you, my fellow Alpha’s, you have honored me with your hunt and I accept your gifts for my accession.”

Zeke howls and they follow suit, their Alpha howls rendering the air with an immense display of power and pride. It was all my sisters and I could do to keep our panties on.

Everyone’s departure is rapid.

Zeke follows me to Sebastian’s truck where he shifts and pulls on a pair of sweatpants, but not before I clock a good look at his cock, thick and lengthening beautifully. My mouth waters as much as my pussy does at the sight.

“Feeling frisky my love?” Sebastian smirks as my arousal greets his nose.

I hop into the truck smiling as he starts the car. We’ve agreed that we won’t have sex until my Luna accession, but there are other ways to reward my mate for his efforts to please me today. And he surely deserves a reward.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now