Chapter 12

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Alpha Neo? Alpha Sebastian's truck has passed the border. Kiara links me.

Thanks Kiara. I'll be down shortly.

My heart flutters. He's here.

It's been three days since the Mating Festival. Three days where my entire world has turned upside down, all Sebastian's fault with his lovely display at the Council meeting.

The Genesis Bill was passed by the council on the condition that Sebastian and I trial the new law. Now I'm certain the Goddess is playing games with me. The irony is not lost to me.

Sebastian insisted we spend the first month at Crystal Moon which suited me fine. I'm definitely not ready to go to Blood Stone.

My pack knows he's coming, and that he's my mate on trial for three moons. The reactions when we all came back from the festival were mixed. I'm the first she-wolf in five years to not be rejected by her mate. I can't help feeling guilty.

Some are ecstatic for me, they see Sebastian like a hero. I've been congratulated numerous times, fielded endless questions and suggestive jokes about Sebastian from my she-wolves. The excitement from the preliminary passing of the Genesis Bill has been high too. You can feel hope return to the pack.

Then there are the odd few that look at me with a mixture of sadness, envy, and even anger. With the details of what happened at the Council meeting, I know there are those who look at our Alpha family as the cause of all their problems. Identifying Eva and Freya's rejections as the start of the spate of rejections for our pack put an unexpected target on them and they've both been dealing with some cold shoulders the last few days.

Things are never simple. I think with a sigh as I head down from my packhouse office to the car park with Lyka going crazy running excited circles in my head.

Zeke is coming!

Yes, I know. Calm down you're giving me a headache.

I step in beside Kiara on the porch as Sebastian's midnight blue truck drives slowly down the driveway. My heart starts crashing so hard in my chest I think I'm having a heart attack. I lean on a pillar for support trying to act calm. Kiara glances at me.

"You're not going to pass out on me are you?"

"Shut up, I'm fine," I snap - I'm far from fine. The matebond has been hell the last three days. Mated wolves are not designed to be roaming around unmarked. The bond loves to fuck around with our emotions and bodies until we give in and get it over with. Fuck that. I'm made of sterner stuff. I straighten as Sebastian's truck parks in front of the packhouse.

My world seems to move in slow motion as he gets out. Long muscular legs encased in denim, a forest green button-down doing little to hide his broad powerful chest and oozing sexuality.

He smiles, his hazel eyes touching every inch of my body and I'm pooling between legs as his scent lassos me. I groan mentally gritting my teeth. Why is everything about him so goddamn perfect?

Sebastian strides toward me looking like he wants to drag me into his arms - I remind myself that I'm the damn Alpha here not some insipid horny Luna.

I step forward with a hand outstretched halting him in his tracks.

"Alpha Sebastian, Welcome to Crystal Moon," I say formally, keeping my exploding hormones in check.

He stops and looks at my hand with a raised eyebrow. He glances at me then at Kiara with a side smile.

"We're back to this, are we? Okay, I'll play - for now," he smirks taking my hand. Sparks shoot up my arm and I have to clench my thighs as he kisses the back of my hand.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now