Chapter 36

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Two days later, a day before the full moon, I return to Crystal Moon.

The two days spent at Blood Stone were amazing. It has been so long since I was in a pack that was well - normal. Blood Stone has made me conscious of how strained life at Crystal Moon is.

At Blood Stone families roam, mates, fathers, mothers, and pups! Blood Stone was thriving with pups of all ages. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed watching them play, fight and frolic across the large open lawn in front of the pack house, their yips happily filling the air.

This was something Crystal Moon had not seen in many many years and I felt the emptiness when I returned. I felt the sadness in a way I had not felt ever. What it reiterated in my mind was the need to fix the situation at Crystal Moon even more so than before and I plan to do it immediately after the full moon.

The first thing I do on returning is visit Carmel.

"Alpha Neo, so good to see you back, how is your mate?" she asks, peering at me absentmindedly through her glasses as we sit in her office. I'm pretty sure she's forgotten Sebastian's name. I doubt she's left the lab since the last full moon.

"Thanks for asking, Sebastian is fine. His brother's transfusion saved him and helped him heal."

"Excellent, I'm glad. So what can I do for you Alpha?" as usual she gets to the point, not wanting to waste any precious minutes away from her work. I smile. This is how I work too.

"I wanted to follow up on the results of the trial last full moon. With all that's been happening here, I haven't had a chance to review your reports."

"That's OK Alpha, I know how it's been. Thanks for coming." she grabs a folder on her desk.

"The trial last full moon went well. The group that was given the anti-heat drug responded as we hoped. They all reported reduced pain levels and almost all had no need to be sedated. Having said that the levels of pain reduction were mixed, some reported significant levels of reduction, some only minor. I will be adjusting dosages this next trial."

"Sounds like you've achieved what you set out for Doctor," I say smiling then catch her shaking head.

"It was only a partial success," she says flipping a page.

"Unfortunately I have no I information about if the drug stops contraception since all my volunteers were unmated females."

I nod understanding.

"I think you've done a great job nonetheless. To at the very least make the heat bearable for she-wolves is an achievement in itself. I'm sure you will figure out the rest in due course. I wonder though, is this an opportunity to make two different drugs for two purposes?"

She looks at me curiously and I continue the thought.

"There are those whose need is specifically anti-heat reduction so they can function normally - then there is the contraceptive for those who want the full experience of tying the knot just without the usual pup consequence. Rather than trying to produce an all-in-one, why not two separate drugs for separate needs."

Carmel looks at me thoughtfully.

"Yes, it's completely doable and if we take that approach then I can say the anti-heat drug is well on its way and ready for the second round of trials as it is. I can continue to work on the contraceptive but really I need more mated couples to volunteer for this and that could take me a while to find the numbers I need."

"Okay, one step at a time, let me help you find the mated volunteers, I'll see if I can get some from Blood Stone. In the meantime, continue with the second round of trials for the anti-heat drug and put me down as a volunteer for tomorrow."

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt