Chapter 28

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I have no idea how long I sat in my office staring blindly out the window. I vaguely recall Kiara and Vera checking on me at some point bringing me up lunch which went untouched and cleaning up the shattered remains of my laptop.

The sun set and darkness filled my window, the night sky clear, the almost full moon mocking me like the bitch she is.

Everything hurts.

My chest, from the pain our fight inflicted on the bond. My eyes, from the endless tears that I refuse to wipe. My palms, from Lyka digging in her disapproval at my words to her mate. My ears, from the excruciating sound of Sebastian's truck driving away, the screeching tires echoing painfully as he left me.

Fuck me. Why am I such a bitch?

"Is it safe to enter?" Dad asks as he peeks around the door.

"Hey, Dad. Yeah, it's safe, come on in." I smile half-heartedly, admiring how handsome he looks with his salt-and-pepper beard, and tall muscular build, still projecting the power of a former Alpha.

I can't help but imagine how Sebastian will look when he's my dad's age. Goddess knows he'll look amazing to me until the day I die.

"Well, I'm glad you think so. You know the whole packhouse heard you and Sebastian's fight, everyone is concerned." he settles into the sofa, a large arm leaning across the back, just the way Sebastian used to sit there.

Damn, I just can't get him off my mind.

"I'm sure they did Dad, we weren't exactly quiet." I scoff.

Dad nods solemnly.

"You know Neo, I am so proud of you and what you've done for our pack. Crystal Moon couldn't have a better Alpha, you've worked hard and sacrificed so much for us all, but you know there's one thing I know none of us would ever want you to sacrifice."

"Yeah, what's that dad," I ask dryly.

"Your happiness." he smiles, and as his familiar, fatherly scent reaches my nose I feel the warmth of his love.

"I am happy, Dad." I sigh looking back out the window. Even I don't believe me.

"Are you? Because you sure don't look happy right now. Believe me Neo, I know how this works. You've mated and now you've been marked, and from what I heard from Kiara you've marked Sebastian too - that's a pretty big deal Neo - being apart from him, especially during the full moon is going to hurt."

"Gosh Dad, tell me something I don't know!" I throw my hands up in frustration.

"This is exactly why we are developing the anti-heat drug - so it will stop hurting! Don't you see, I have to do this, I have to lead the way, this is the only way I know how!"

"It's not the only way Neo. Being a leader doesn't always mean you have to sacrifice everything for the greater good. Sometimes being a leader is guiding the pack to the solution and letting everyone make their own decisions." he says leaning forward on his knees forcing me to look at him.

"Well I've made my decision dad, I'm doing the trial, so I'm good, I'm fine, I'm happy."

"It's no longer just your decision to make Neo."

"Seriously Dad?" I look at him incredulously.

"I am serious Neo. You mated Sebastian, you have marked each other. Your bond is complete, there is no going back.

You do realize that as per your own bill, your trial is over now. You cannot reject him nor him you. The only thing you can do is fix what you have broken and I'm sorry Neo but you no longer get to make unilateral decisions that can impact your future health without taking into consideration your mate's thoughts and feelings on the matter. Is this the example of leadership you want to set for your pack? That mate bonds should not be taken into account? What if the position was reversed?" he raises his eyebrow pointedly.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now