Chapter 16

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We settle into a routine the rest of the week and oddly enough hers is fairly similar to mine back home at Blood Stone.

Like me, Genesis is an early riser and starts the day with a run in human form then returns in wolf form. It's Zeke and Lyka's favorite part of the day, and we let them have it, giving them the time to bond.

She usually has breakfast in the packhouse before heading to her office for work. Initially, she didn't want me there and was going to change it up having breakfast at home, because of the number of unmated females in the packhouse.

But with the arrival of the new transfers, she conceded that she should stick to her usual routine. I had to admit it was disconcerting at first being the object of hundreds of eyes that looked at me with envy and sometimes lust. I was careful to note who was who and avoided the she-wolves that were too forward. I didn't like it and I know that despite her cool exterior, Genesis probably wouldn't handle jealousy well. Territorial as fuck, she's admitted already. Her home and bedroom are fine examples. I've never seen anyone else besides her omegas in her house. Not even her family. Makes me wonder why she built such a big house.

The office she set up for me is perfect for the daily virtual meetings with my Beta and Gamma. As expected things were running well at Blood Stone. My dad is still pissed though that I accepted Genesis and was here at Crystal Moon. He's old school and superstitious, one of the many that believe in the Crystal Moon curse. Fuck that shit. Genesis is perfect and she's mine.

My younger brother Mateo just graduated high school and turns eighteen in a month, he wants me home for his birthday and I promise him I'll be there. I owe him a decent party.

The routine allows me to see aspects of Genesis's pack that I never understood was a natural recourse to the fact that they are a pack of predominantly she-wolves.

All their Epsilon guards are female. Usually, in a pack all males from the age of fifteen onward trains to protect the pack. They share in the patrol duties and other tasks around the pack. This means at least forty percent of a pack's population can be called upon in the case of an attack. In most packs, it's unheard of for she-wolves to train to become Epsilon's which are ranked warrior class wolves, the toughest in the pack that does the bulk of the guard work.

I don't know why it never occurred to me that in a pack of predominantly she-wolves, they would have to train them like males because they have no other choice.

The result is spectacular. The she-wolves of Crystal Moon are the fittest, and toughest I've ever seen and her Epsilons as I saw on the first day are at the top of their game. The Gamma, Vera, has developed an effective training program that focuses on the assets of she-wolves in battle. Speed, agility, and weaponry.

They train just as hard as males and it's hard to watch these seemingly delicate she-wolves inflicting and receiving the level of pain I'm accustomed to seeing in men's training. It's especially hard for me when it comes to Genesis. The first day that I watched Genesis in training, I had to stop myself from leaving.

Genesis is smaller than some of the other she-wolves but being Alpha gives her added strength and power which she is not ashamed to use to her advantage. Plus she is damn cunning.

She studies her opponents like prey, watching their game, leading them on, letting them get some hits in while she learns their weaknesses, then she takes them out swiftly and sometimes viciously. She has no reservations about breaking bones if that's what it takes to subdue her opponent. She's vicious and it's a terrifying sight to see. I'm so fucking turned on.

I struggle watching her take the hits though. Zeke wants me to step in and stop her, tell her she does not have to do this, that we will protect her. I don't disagree with him but right here is not the place, so instead, I study her carefully. So does Adrian the new pack transfer from Haven Woods.

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