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Two Weeks Later


Genesis babe, Mateo is on his way, are you ready? Sebastian links me as I finish getting ready in our Alpha house at Blood Stone.

The last couple of weeks since my accession as Luna of Blood Stone have been intense. As agreed Sebastian and I sat down and spent hours and hours planning our way forward as an Alpha couple of both Blood Stone and Crystal Moon.

It has not been easy to come to a solution and we have struggled through all possible avenues until finally, we found our way forward. It was an answer that did not sit well with me at all, but Sebastian being Sebastian always gets his way.

Since the day I met him, he's chased me down and knocked down every wall I've ever built, and here we are, the final solution to the Moon Goddesses' mess of mating two Alphas.

I'm heading over to the office now see you.

I link back, tying my hair in a quick ponytail before walking to the packhouse where Sebastian is waiting.

"Good Morning Luna!" I'm greeted by a chorus of teens as they rush off to school. I wave politely smiling at them.

I don't think I'll ever get used to being called Luna here at Blood Stone and Alpha back at Crystal Moon, but that's who I am now, they are the dual roles I've accepted and Goddess knows I'm going to need all the help I can get because I am definitely not cut out to be a Luna.

The smell of coffee greets me as I step into Sebastian's office.

"Goddess that better be for me, what kind of a mate are you scheduling meetings before feeding your Luna breakfast," I grumble and grab the coffee that my delicious mate holds out for me.

He looks like he just stepped out of a wet dream. My wet dream. His button-down white shirt crisp and tight, shaping his muscles beneath. I moan as the caffeine hits but honestly, it's more Sebastian than the coffee, and his smirk tells me he knows exactly what is going on in my frisky mind.

"Sorry my love, I really wanted to get this out of the way so that we can make good time to the Council lands, but I promise you I will feed you right after." he pulls me into his warm chest turning me so my back is cuddled to his chest. He nuzzles my neck making my toes curl while I sip my coffee.

I feel him tense around me as he takes a deep breath of my scent.

"Baby you smell -"

"Ewe can you two stop for two seconds please!" Mateo playfully groans as he bursts into the office after the shortest of raps on the door. He rolls his eyes at us before slumping onto the sofa.

I extract myself from Sebastian's arms and he looks at me strangely. Mateo starts grumbling.

"Bro seriously it's like way too early for a meeting, so what's up?" Mateo complains raking a hand through his perfect jet-black hair. Young and beautiful, Mateo carries himself with carefree arrogance that is about to go flying out the door. I almost feel sorry for him.

"Sorry Mattie but Genesis and I are heading back to the Council House today. The Alpha King approved an extraordinary meeting to handle Alpha Han's trial. Genesis also managed to get Eva's situation on the agenda so we have to go. We could be gone for a week and I have a few things I need to discuss with you before we leave."

Sebastian pulls a seat around to sit beside me. He leans forward his forearms on his thighs as he looks at Mateo.

"Okay shoot," Mateo says sitting up a little bit straighter at his brother's serious tone.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 1: CLAIMEDWhere stories live. Discover now