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As we walked into the common room, I could see Draco sitting on the main couch with Blaise. He had his head in his hands and was visibly upset— serves him right. I let out a sigh at the sight of him, knowing that I was the reason behind his anxieties, but he caused our issues himself and that wasn't my problem. Blaise noticed us in the entrance and flashed a look in our direction, his persona perking up when he saw me with Aria and for the first time ever he gave me a small wave.

Draco noticed Blaise's change in demeanor and turned around quickly to face us as well, making eye contact with me in the process. His body instantly relaxed at the sight of me and I watched the wave of relief wash over his tired face as he finally breathed— like a real, finally alive, breath. 

"Okay, let's go so I can shower." I said quickly as I began running up the stairs to our dorm. I bailed out of talking to him and even if I thought the look on his face when he saw me was... enjoyable... I reminded myself why I was so mad at him in the first place. I didn't think I could bring myself to be nice to him right now even if my life depended on it.

"Jules!" Ari yelled, chasing after me up the staircase.

"I will talk to him later," I told her in a flat tone as we walked into our dorm, "but seriously I need to freshen up first. I reek of dirty water and I can't stand the feeling of my wet robes anymore." I cringed, making my stomach feel queasy the more I thought about how gross all of this was.

Then I came to a realization that I hadn't even thought of before this. This is not what I had on yesterday... How did I get changed out of Draco's sweater?

"Wait, how did I get into robes?" I asked, turning to look at my friends with my hair dripping onto the wooden floors beneath my feet.

"McGonagall came and collected them this morning." Dani shrugged while she sat at her desk and looked over some of her assignments that were due after winter break.

I looked at my bed and noticed the sweater sitting on top, as well as the dirty uniform I had been wearing yesterday. I chuckled under my breath as I looked at it. Something that I made some stupid connection to, now had no significance. There's no point in keeping it any longer now that I didn't plan on speaking to him ever again after I have a conversation with him today.

I opened my dresser drawers and started grabbing new clothes out. I felt like I had put up with enough for one day, and decide to dress as comfortably as I could. I grabbed a pair of grey joggers and a tight fitted yoga tank.

I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I turned on the hot water, and immediately stripped out of the disgusting clothes I had on. I threw them into the trash, not even wanting to keep them anymore. I hung up the gross robe that I'd use my wand to refresh later and climbed in to the shower quickly. I never thought I'd miss a hot shower this much.

I squirted my body wash into my hands immediately and began scrubbing every square inch of my body. I could not believe they had stuck me in that disgusting lake without even asking for my consent. I put some of my coconut shampoo in my hand and began scrubbing my scalp, making sure all of the gross water and dirt had been washed out.

I rinsed the sudds off of my body and threw some conditioner in to my hair to bring it back to life since washing my hair out so many times made it feel as dry as straw. After I rinsed everything off, I shut the water off and climbed out, reaching for a towel out of the cub board.

I quickly brushed my teeth and I changed into my clean clothes. I ran my hair brush through my hair, pulling out any knots that might have been left behind.

By the time I walked back out into the bedroom it was obvious to see that Dani and Maggie were missing now. Ari was the only one around and she was sitting on my bed, staring at me like she had been waiting for me the entire time. If this is some sort of intervention, count me the fuck out.

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