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"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Ari asked, laying down in her own bed after she had been comforting me in mine all night. It took a long time, but eventually— after screaming into my pillow for about 20 minutes and breaking a few objects on my bookshelf— I calmed down.

"I'm sure." I said with a small smile. It was weak and unconvincing, but she accepted it anyway.

I felt horrible. My head was pounding from the hours worth of screaming and crying I had done, and I felt like my heart had been ripped to shreds inside of my chest and left to rot there.

Fuck Cedric. What a little prick.

"I will beat his ass for you, if you let me." Maggie said for the 50th time tonight, causing me to chuckle.

"It's okay," I promised her.

"Are you still going to talk to Malfoy?" Ari asked. I hadn't even mentioned a word about that, and before I could question her she blurted out— "Blaise told me."

Man, was Blaise ever going to give me some fucking privacy? All he does is have my name in his mouth anymore. Not really the best way to give a first impression to your girl's best friend... the one who will probably be notorious for talking shit on you to her. I wish he'd just go back to sucking off Malfoy already.

I nodded my head to answer her question, and I looked over at the clock on the wall. It was about 11:40, meaning I had 20 minutes to kill before he'd be expecting me. I knew the girls would want to go to sleep soon, and I didn't want to sit here in the dark when Dani blew out the candles and lanterns.

"I'm just going to head out now," I said as they all got ready for bed. "If I lay here any longer I'm afraid I'll fall asleep."

"Okay," Dani said. "We'll be right here if you need anything, don't hesitate to wake one of us."

"Well... you can hesitate to wake ONE of us." Maggie added with a laugh.

"I'll be back." I sighed, picking up my blanket to take with me. I was in a pair of warm pajamas which made the fuzzy blanket seem unnecessary, but it had been my comfort object since I was a child and for some reason it made all of this feel a million times better.

I shut the door to the dorm behind me and wrapped the blanket around my body while I descended the stairs. Merlin, my head was pounding out of my skull. I don't think I've ever cried this much in my life. How embarrassing.

Draco sat on the usual giant couch in front of the fireplace and waited for me to join him. No one else was in the room and they had all probably went back to their dorms to go to sleep.

I walked around to the front of the couch, and took a quick look at him. He was already in his pajamas and out of his usual dress clothes. Guess he went back to his room at some point.

"Hi." I said quietly.

"Hey, pretty girl." He said, pulling me closer to him when I sat down.

Alright— what the actual fuck. Is this another nightmare? Am I actually wake right now? My eyes were a bit wide when I heard him greet me, but I didn't say anything as I curled up next to him. I had just broken up with my boyfriend, and Draco has made it clear numerous times today that he has no feelings towards me whatsoever, so it's not like he was making a move on me.

There's no way.

He barely even likes me as a friend half the time. He's probably just trying to make me feel better.

I readjusted my blanket so it covered me before I tucked my hands up into my chest and laid my head against his shoulder. His arm was draped over my back, and I could tell he was trying his best to comfort me despite not having a single sorrowful bone in his body. Comfort is all I want, anyway.

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