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I had my bag packed and was ready to meet Draco in the common room in 5 minutes. He told me that we'd be staying over night, so I made sure to pack enough clothes to be away all weekend.

I currently had on a black button up shirt with a black tennis skirt and knee high socks. I had my black dress shoes on with a headband in my hair. The usual outfit that I wore frequently. I didn't bother doing my hair or makeup yet because I planned to just do it when we got to Draco's house.

I slipped my dress for tonight's dinner into a hanging bag so I could hang it up on the train to avoid wrinkling, and my shaking hand could hardly pull the zipper up. It had taken numerous attempts this morning to have myself convinced that this was a good idea.

It's gonna be fine. It's fine. I'm fine.

I grabbed all of my stuff and walked down to the common room where Draco was sitting on a couch with Blaise and Aria, waiting for me to join him. Aria flashed me a big grin when she saw me enter the room while excitement and sadness filled her all at once.

"I'm gonna miss you!" She yelled, jumping off of the couch and throwing her arms around me tightly.

"I'll only be gone for one night." I laughed while I held on to my belongings tightly.

"I know, but it's not fair that you get to get out of here... even if it means you have to spend time with ferret boy." She glared at him and I laughed a little too hard. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get herself to completely like Draco. She just knew she was stuck with him because he was best friends with Blaise.

"Oh, piss off, ya filthy roach." Draco bit back. He wasn't always too fond of her, either. I looked over at him as he said the words with a warning look on my face.

He had on an all black suit with black dress shoes, and he had left the top button of his shirt undone. I would reach over and fix it myself just to feel his neck against my fingertips. He looked like he hadn't fixed his hair either while the messy platinum locks flopped over his forehead.

I hated admitting how good he looked, but my tongue started to roll on the inside of my cheek as I looked down at his dress shirt. I think I'm staring at him. They're going to notice if I don't stop, but I physically can't. I can't get my eyes to leave him...

"Are you ready, mongrel?" He asked in a flat tone. Draco Fucking Malfoy... always one to ruin the moment with his insufferable attitude. I rolled me eyes and marched towards the exit with out him.

"Bye, Ari! I love you." I yelled out over my shoulder with one foot out the door, and the other ready to go right up Malfoy's ass.

"You do have everything before we leave, correct?" Draco mocked me while he led me into the train and entered a random compartment.

"Yes. I double checked before we left." I put my stuff over our heads before I threw myself down on the seat.

We were bound to have the compartment to ourselves. It was a random weekend and barely anyone was at the station to get on the train. Not many usually felt the need to travel unless on Holidays. Draco shut the door and took a seat beside me.

"You could've sat on the other side you know." I laughed.

"Why would I want to do that?" Draco asked seriously, furrowing his brows as he looked at me.

"Because it's only the two of us here..." I'm getting nervous, "and there's plenty of room to spread out... and we don't have to sit side by side..." I chuckled.

"Hmm... But then how are you going to cuddle me when you fall asleep?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

I felt a lump get caught in my throat with his words. I knew he was teasing me right now. Have I made it that obvious that he makes me feel like this?

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