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I laid on the hospital cot feeling like things were just never going to be better. Madame Pomfrey got me an excuse for as long as I needed so I could have time to myself and try to heal. How do you heal this?

I wasn't sure what was going on anymore. I had been so isolated from the outside world, I had lost track of everything.

Eventually, I left the closet Draco had left me in. I had returned to the dungeons looking like death itself. I felt like death. At this point I was thinking I'd even want death.

I gained dozens of stares as I walked through the castle that day, but I didn't care. I was broken. I ignored everyone in the common room and went straight to my dorm. I laid on my side in my bed, ignoring all of my friends as they talked to me.

I stared at my dresser for what felt like hours. Not speaking. Not eating. Not changing. Showering. Brushing my hair. Taking care of myself.

Aria eventually pulled my hood up over my head to try and hide my wild appearance. She hooked arms with me calmly to keep me somewhat sane and walked me out of the dorm. We didn't speak, just walked. She walked me through the common room. My head was fogged as I looked around.

Blaise was in there, giving me a pitiful look. Goyle and Crabbe whispered as I walked by. Draco sat with his arm around Pansy, giggled about something I couldn't hear. Hours. That's what it took him to move on.


No tears could fall at the sight. My heart didn't hurt any more than it already did. I had caused this, and these were the repercussions.

Aria led me to the hospital wing for Madame Pomfrey to care for. She put me in this bed and I've been here ever since. I've lost track of time. I don't really know how long it has been.

My friends gave up visiting after I would ignore them the entire time they were here. Blaise tried cheering me up a couple of times, but nothing worked. They all thought this was something to do with Umbridge and the punishment I faced that day because of Pansy.

No, I hurt myself way more than Umbridge ever would. I did this.

I did my school work throughout the day as Madame Pomfrey would bring me my assignments. She pitied me, really. She'd bring me meals three times a day. Had me hooked up to an i.v. drip so I would stay hydrated. Took as much care of me as she could.

I just wouldn't speak. Or move much. She said I'm depressed. I would have to agree. I definitely felt it.

I need to get out of here. Leave. Do something.

"Madame Pomfrey?" My small voice spoke for the first time in forever.

Her head shot around in my direction, her eyes wide at the sound she heard. She walked over to me swiftly, worried I was in desperate trouble because I had finally used my voice.

"Can you owl my mother?" I asked quietly as my voice broke. "I want to go home."

I slowly walked back to the dungeons, feeling my feet dragging under me after not being used in so long. I twisted and turned down the hallways, others staring at me in shock after not seeing me around in days. I was still in the sweats I was in that Saturday, not the robes that other students were wearing.

I pulled out my wand and mumbled the password to the common room. I walked in without even bothering to look around.

"Drakey, stop!" I heard a voice squeal to my left. "You know that tickles, stop!" I didn't bother looking, I just made my way to the steps.

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