2| Brother

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Chapter 2: Brother (Adam's POV)

"What do you mean you're not coming?!" Aspen yelled through the phone, half damaging my eardrum. 

I winced, holding the phone away from my ear for a moment. "I never said I'm not coming, you idiot," I huffed. "I just said I'm not sure if I can be there for the whole trip. I might come in a few days later." 

"Adam, we're only going for five days. If you skip days out of that, then don't even bother coming." 

"Really? Should I not come then? Would that be okay?" 

"Adam," he hissed. 

"I'm joking," I sighed exaggeratedly. "But I don't understand where Spain came from. Who's idea was this? To have a Spanish wedding?" 

"Remy's. Are you kidding me? She's been wanting to have a Spanish wedding ever since we started dating. Plus, Marbella is actually really beautiful, everybody's excited to go on a free holiday. Don't you want to come?" 

I stopped at the cereal aisle of the grocery store and adjusted the black baseball cap on my head, grabbing a box of Oreo O's. "It's not that I don't want to come, of course, I do. It's your wedding, Aspen. It's just that I have to talk to my coach, my manager, the team—" 

"You didn't play this past season because of your injury. The next season starts in September. The trip is five days. You can train for the rest of the five months when you're back. Don't use football as an excuse. You're either coming or you're not. Tell me quickly, we have other people to call and bookings to make. We're not even sure of the wedding date yet, the church has to be booked. It's why we're only making family calls first. So hurry up and tell me." 

I paused for a minute, slowly walking down the aisle, taking whatever I needed. It's a horrible day for my assistant to be on leave. I had no groceries left at home, hence I'm here, buying them myself. "Won't she be there?" I asked. 


"You know who." 

"No, I don't know what you're talking about, Adam. Say it." 

"Emilia," I mumbled, glancing at the shopping cart I was pushing along. "She has to be there, it's her sister's wedding." 

"Wow... it's been years since I heard you call her name. Hell, you never called her Emilia anyway. It was always Emmy or Ruby or—" 

"Aspen," I cut him off, standing in one spot. "Didn't you call me to invite me to your wedding?" 

"You're the one who brought her up but fine. Yeah, she is coming. Of course, she's coming. I mean, I think." 


"I'm not the one calling and confirming with her, Remy is. You can ask her." 

"Yeah... Well, Remy doesn't speak to me much." 

"Yeah... Well, I don't speak to Emilia very much either." 

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