22| Heartbeat

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Chapter 22: Heartbeat (Adam's POV)

I unlocked the door, holding it open and letting Emilia through. But we were late, so we had no time to talk or do anything. 

Everybody left the beach before the sunset, eager to get ready for the engagement party tonight but Emilia didn't want to leave. When we walked out of the water after swimming with everybody else, the plan was to dry off, get dressed, and come back to the hotel. But she sat in her seat, sighing, and stared ahead of her at the sunset. 

I remained standing, ruffling my hair a bit dry. "I think we should leave with the others," I said, waving absentmindedly at Nana and Pops as they left. 

"You can go," she replied. 

"I'm not leaving yet." 

I sat down. "Why? You'll be late for the engagement party." 

She glanced at me. "The sun's about to set. I'm already here, so I might as well watch it." 

I paused, glancing at the orange and pink cotton candy sky. "You know, your sister is only getting engaged once." 

"This is the second time they're getting engaged. They already did right after he proposed." 

"You can watch the sunset tomorrow too." 

She turned to me. "But can you promise me the sunset will be this pretty tomorrow?" 

"Sunsets are always pretty." 

"Not this pretty." She faced forward again. "You can go if you want, Adam, I'm not going to hold you back. Should I give you the keys? Here." She took them out, holding the card between two fingers. 

I took the key card but just held onto it, not standing up. 

She glanced at me, biting back a smile. "We'll just get ready super quickly." 

I glanced at her soaked hair. "You have to wash your hair. It takes ages to dry." 

She shrugged, "I'll manage." 

So, that's why now we're rushing into the hotel room. She dropped her beach bag on the ground and kicked off her flip-flops quickly while letting her hair down. I shut the room door, dropping the shirt that I had on my arm onto my suitcase. "I'll unpack the beach bag later," she mumbled. 

I nodded, "Okay. You shower first, you need more time." 

"Thanks." She rushed inside, closing the door behind her. 

While waiting for her to wrap up, I opened my suitcase and pulled out the suit I folded neatly and figured I should ask the hotel if I could borrow the laundry room to iron it or if they could send someone to do it for me if I'm not allowed to, but I thought I should ask Emilia if her dress needed the same thing. I hesitated, knocking on the door. 

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