24| Dance

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Chapter 24: Dance (Adam's POV)

Neither one of us uttered a word to each other until we reached the banquet hall. It felt like our first day here all over again. I hated it. Things were supposed to be getting better between us, this feels the complete opposite. It bothered me now much more than how much it bothered me when we first came to Marbella. Genuinely, it made me feel like shit, I felt horrible. Guilty, frustrated, angry, even a little sad. 

I wanted Emilia and I to work things out for good, I wanted to be a part of her life again, I didn't want to lose her again. I couldn't. 

She's always meant a lot to me, but why now? Now, why does it feel like my whole world will fall apart without her in it? 

Now that I've met her again, I couldn't imagine not having her in my life after this. Even though we've been arguing a lot on this trip, I just don't want to lose her. The thought gnaws at me. I was so close, we were so close to figuring it all out but now it's all messed up again. I don't know if I did or said something wrong or if she just overreacted but whatever it is, we have to talk it out. 

"Oh, thank God, you're here," Remy sighed, seeming nervous as she rushed over, quickly throwing her arms around Emilia. Emilia cracked a genuine smile, giving Remy a quick squeeze while I made my way over to Aspen who seemed like he was shitting bricks too. 

"Oh, you're here too. Good, that's good. Once the others are here, that'll be good too," he mumbled while nodding. 

"Why the hell are you so nervous? You're already engaged to her, you do know that... right?" 

"Shut up, man. It's not the same. This is a big deal, this is in front of everybody." 

I lifted a brow, "Wasn't it in front of people the first time?" 

"No," he scoffed. "She came to my apartment to stay the night. I mean, she does that most nights. But we were alone. I wasn't this nervous, I knew she loved me enough to say yes." 

"And now she doesn't?" 

He glared at me. "Of course she does." 

"Then relax, Aspen. This isn't about all the people watching, man. It's about you and Remy. Everyone else watching should just..." I opened my hands, gesturing towards the entire banquet hall. "Disappear," I whispered in a sing-song voice before a laugh escaped me. 

He huffed, smacking my arm while I chuckled softly, grabbing his shoulder. 

"Calm down, my guy. Everything will be okay. She still loves you. I think, at least." 

"Fuck you," he exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "The others should be here any minute, right?" 

I nodded. "Sure." 

"Then maybe I— Actually, no. Let's not talk about this. It's not helping the nerves. Let's uh... let's talk about you. You and Em." 

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