37| Everything

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Chapter 37: Everything (Emilia's POV)

Adam hopped in the shower a few minutes after I got out. Since my clothes were packed up, I put on one of his t-shirts and old boxer shorts, rolling them up so they fit a bit better. While waiting, I figured I should get in some writing. 

We took a long nap today, after that, woke up, cuddled even more than we did while sleeping, and then I took a shower. Now he was. 

I wandered into the kitchen and sat at the counter on one of the barstools and opened up my laptop, getting to work. I was focused on work and got quite a bit in, I got to somewhere towards the end of the first chapter when Adam came back down. I heard his door close and then his footsteps as he jogged down the stairs. I looked up from my laptop when Adam walked into the kitchen. 

I thought I'd take a quick look then get back to work but he had other plans because he appeared in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of grey joggers. My fingers froze, hovering above the keyboard and I cleared my throat softly, biting down on my bottom lip before I said something stupid and looked back at my screen. 

Oh, no. What was I writing? No, no, no. Where was I going with this? Where was this petty argument taking my characters? 

Adam opened the fridge, drank some water, and then walked over, stopping behind me. He leaned forward, putting his hands on the counter from behind me. He was freshly showered and all I could smell was his cologne, aftershave, and a little bit of soap on him. 

I wanted to drown in him. I wanted to do nothing but be with him. 

"Hi," he mumbled, pecking my cheek before resting his chin on my shoulder. "What are you up to?" 

"Oh, nothing. I'm just getting some writing done." 

"Can I read it?" 

"Um... I- Yeah. Sure, I mean... if you want to."

He chuckled softly and I felt my heart stutter. "Are you nervous that I might read it?" 

"No," I said with uncertainty. "That's not why I'm nervous. I mean, am I even nervous? I don't know if that's what you'd call this." 

"I won't read it if you don't want me to." 

"That's not it," I huffed. 

What is wrong with me? 

"You okay, Rubes?" 

I nodded, trying not to look at him. "I'm okay." 


I turned slowly to face him, my breath hitching in my throat at the proximity. My eyes met his before traveling across his face, trying to read his expression before lingering on his lips for a heartbeat too long. His lips twitched into a small smile and my eyes met his again. "I think I'm in trouble," I whispered. 

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