17| Cute

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I changed the chapter name yet again y'all




Chapter 17: Cute (Emilia's POV)

"I miss you." 

The moment those words came out of his mouth, I was rooted in place. As if that hadn't already happened, I felt even more frozen. I couldn't move an inch, my heart started picking up its pace and I may or may not have held my breath. I couldn't even bring myself to tear my gaze from him. I didn't know what to say. 

I missed him too, of course, I did, but I couldn't tell him that. I was more than well aware that I was being immature about this but I have my reasons. It's just too fucking hard to find it within myself to trust him again and let him back in. 

What's going to happen if I do? He'll slowly find his way back into my life and then we'll end up throwing each other out all over again. He'll throw me out again, he'll forget me when we're back in New York. 

Adam's life is not what it used to be in California before we went our separate ways. Just because I didn't keep up with his life doesn't mean I had no idea what it had become. Adam has eyes on him all the time, millions of them. Cameras follow him everywhere he goes, he has fans stopping him and asking for a picture, people trying to run down into the field after one of his games. 

When Remy told me that he may or may not be here for this trip, I figured I should know a bit about where he's been. I didn't want to know but it would be worse if I didn't and then had to hear his stories firsthand from the people around me. 

I know where he is today in his life and I don't fit into that picture anymore because he's not Adam anymore. He's Adam Blackwell, the infamous quarterback of the NFL. He's part of The Falcons and his life has been a rollercoaster since he stepped into the limelight. He played smoothly from his last year of college up until the last season when he ripped his Achilles' tendon and had to sit out the rest of the season. Now, whenever the next season starts- I don't even know when that is, I'm not a football fan- he'll be back on the field. But even with an injury keeping him off the field, the public didn't spare him. He faced plenty of scandals, rumored girlfriends, very real one-night stands and so much more. 

Of course, I googled him. How could I not when I realized we might meet in Marbella? 

"Emilia," he said softly, bringing me out of my thoughts. "I miss you," he repeated. 

I shook my head softly, taking a small step back. 

I'm not ready for this, I can't do this right now. 

"But I don't miss you." The lie was out before I could stop it. 

"I don't believe that," he replied, so confident in his words. "I know you, Emilia. I can see it on your face." 

"You're so full of yourself, Adam," I scoffed. "You act like my life can't go on without you in it." 

"That's not what I'm saying." 

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