13| Sunset

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Chapter 13: Sunset (Emilia's POV)

We were walking towards the main street now. We had lunch almost two hours ago and now, we were all heading to get some cabs and then go to Alameda park. 

Remy and I were walking side by side and talking about tomorrow's plans, tomorrow night, to be specific. She's getting officially, publicly engaged. And she's more than over the moon about it. She chuckled as I teased her a bit more about it before hitting my arm gently. "Oh, by the way, aunt Janice called me while we were at lunch. She got on the flight. But since she was coming later, she was supposed to book her own room at the hotel. She didn't say much about that though, so I'm not sure what's going on." 

We reached the sidewalk and waited for the others to join us. I didn't want to share a ride with Adam this time, I just didn't want to be around him. I still couldn't believe that his jersey number was my birth date. 

Why is it my birth date? Why would he do that? 

"Emilia, doll, come here!" 

I looked ahead and spotted Adam's Nana standing at a cab, waving me over. I sent her a small and mumbled bye to Remy before heading over to her. 

"Adam, you too!" 

I froze, spinning on my heels but halting when Emma blocked my way. She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around, pushing me towards the cab. "Let's go," she sang, forcing me to walk over. 

I sighed softly and glared at her over my shoulder. "I'm going to kill you, Emma," I mumbled. 

"Sure, go ahead," she chuckled. 

I stopped in front of Nana while Adam caught up to us, standing a few feet to my left. 

"Why don't you lot keep me company? You too, girlie," Nana grinned at Emma. 

"Do you know my name, Nana?" Emma questioned. 

"'Course! It's Emma... I think." 

"It sure is. I call shotgun." She skipped ahead. 

I grabbed her t-shirt, pulling her back. "You do not call shotgun. Adam does." I turned to him. "Don't you, Adam?" 

"I call shotgun," Nana said suddenly. We all stared at her in surprise. "I don't like sittin' in the back, it makes me feel a little sick. I'll sit at the front." She went ahead and sat in the passenger seat, leaving all three of us out here. 

"I'm not sitting in the middle," Emma said, quickly slipping out of my hold and sitting behind the passenger seat. 

I sighed, glaring at her before turning to Adam. "Why don't you go with them? I'll get a different cab." 

"On your own? Just sit in the middle." 

"I don't want to sit in the middle." 

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