Bad Case Of Morning Sickness.

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Chapter 6:

Sophia's POV:

I wake up feeling sick. I cover my mouth and dash to my bathroom. I didn't make it and end up puking all over the floor. It looked disgusting, the look of it made me puke again, this time in the toilet. Zoey knocks on my door.

"Time for school Soph", she shouts. I don't respond so she comes in. "Where are you?"

"Here", I mumble. She comes into the bathroom and sees the puke all over the ground. "I'm sorry". I puke into the toilet again. She runs over to me and holds back my hair.

"It's fine Soph," she assures me. I hate this morning sickness. I stand up after being puking on the ground for ten minutes. "You okay now?"

"Yeah thanks".

"I'll clean this up".

"I'm so sorry".

"Don't worry, you don't have to be". I smile. "You go and get ready". I nod. I jump over the puke and into my room. I pick out some clothes and quickly change then do my hair. Zoey comes back out. "Done". I give her a small smile. We walk out of my room and into the kitchen. She cooks me some breakfast and I quickly eat it. My mother walks in.

"Hey Sophia, how are you?" she asks.

"I'm good". I take a sip of water.

"She had a bad case of morning sickness this morning, got sick all over the floor", Zoey says.

"Aw honey, don't worry it should stop during your second trimester". I nod. "So the school know and you have a doctor's appointment in two weeks".

"Thanks Mum". She hugs me.

"You're not freaking out about her being pregnant?" Zach asks.

"Well I did, but not anymore". James comes in.

"Come on lets go", he says, with his car keys in his hand. Zach and I nod.

"If you feel unwell dear, call me and I'll collect you", Mum says. I thank her.

"Wait Soph", Zoey says, passing me a bag. "Just in case you're not near a toilet". I chuckle and thank her as well. We go into the car and drive to school. I look out the window and imagine what it will be like in eight months' time. I'll probably be alone, Jake won't want to be there for me. But at least I had my family and friends. I can't wait to see my little baby. I rest my hand on my stomach. Zach grins at me.

"I'm pretty sure it's the size of a bean Soph", he whispers, while smirking. I give him a cold look.

"Yeah well you did it yesterday", I say.

"Oh shut up", he mumbles. I laugh.

"So what happened yesterday? Why were Mum and Dad shouting?" James asks looking at me through the mirror.

"It was nothing", I say quickly.

He was getting too suspicious. Sooner or later he's going to find out. He looks at my hand on my stomach and I take it off. That was close. When we reach school, I go to my locker. Jake was standing there with his new slut. It was a different girl not the girl he had yesterday. He was smirking and she giggled. That was me last month. I decide to not go to my locker, I try not let him see me. I go into my science class. I sit beside Elena in this class even though I begged my teacher to change my seating. But they refused. I sigh as I sit beside her. She was texting on her phone, probably one of Jake's player friends.

"Are you all better after yesterday?" she sneers. I don't answer, I just keep my head in my book. "Did your boyfriend break up with you? Oh wait you don't have one because no one will want to go out with you". I wanted to hit her. "Fine then don't talk." Finally some quiet. The teacher comes in.

"Please go to chapter 24 class", he says. I go to chapter 24. I used to love science but then I got a different teacher and I hate them, they were so mean and judgemental. I knew he hated me because I was rich. It's not my fault my parents get paid a lot. I felt so tired and bored. I wanted to sleep. Just three hours till lunch. When it's lunch, I sit at my usual table. I look at my lunch and don't feel hungry. I put it back in my bag.

"Soph, you need to eat, you need energy", Emily says. But I wasn't hungry.     

"I'm not hungry", I say.

"Yeah but someone else might", she says, pointing to her stomach. Oh she meant the baby.

"Who?" Jayden asks confused. I reluctantly eat my sandwich. Emily looks at me pleased.

"It doesn't matter", she says.

"There's something you guys aren't telling me", he asks hurt. I didn't like lying to him, he was my other best friend. I always told him everything. "Please, I thought we told each other everything".

"You're right we do, I'm sorry". He looks at me waiting for what I was about to tell him. "I'm pregnant". He spits his drink out, it was so funny. He got it all over Emily.

"Jayden", she shouts. I knew this was a serious conversation but I couldn't help laughing.

"I'm sorry Ems", he says, cleaning the table. He passes her a tissue. She grabs it off him and starts wiping her skirt. Fortunately she only got her skirt wet, it was black so the stain wasn't noticeable. "Wait, Soph you're what?"

"You know; knocked up, have a bun in the oven, with child, having a baby, up the duff, preggers, expecting, preggo. Do any of them make sense to you?"

"God I know what it means but I just can't believe you are", he says.

"I know", I sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me straight away?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know how'd you react. I only found out yesterday I still hadn't got used to it myself". I start crying. He put his arms around me.

"Hey, hey I'm not mad, don't cry Soph it tears me apart seeing you upset", he whispers. I stop crying. "I'm here for you I promise". He moves the hair out of my face and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks". Emily comes over and we have a group hug. "I told my parents, Zach and Zoey last night".

"How did they take it?" she asks.

"Actually very good, they're being very supportive and caring".

"So you just need to tell James and Jake?" he asks. I nod. "Well I guess this explains the puking". When he says that it reminds me of the puke all over the floor this morning and how disgusting it was. I think I'm going to puke again. I get off Jayden's lap and look for a toilet. It was too far away. My bag has the paper bag in it.

"My bag", I say quickly covering my mouth. Emily looks through my bag but it was too late. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I got sick all over the lunch hall floor. When I looked back up I see everyone was looking at me. That's like six hundred eyes. I was so embarrassed. Jayden and Emily help me to the girl's toilet. I sit on the ground beside the toilet. "I'm sorry you had to see that".

"I should be the one apologising, I reminded you of it", he says. Wait a minute this is the girl's toilets.

"This is the girl's toilets", I say.

"So, I'm looking after you. I don't care if I get in trouble". I smile. I puke into the toilet.

"You guys just go, I'm going to be in here a while. I'll see you later, ye have lunch".

"No we're looking after you", she says.

"I really appreciate it but you guys go, thanks though". They give me a hug and tell me they'll call me later. I spent the rest of lunch puking. A half an hour of puking, it was horrible. I get off the floor and almost fall over. I felt weak. I grab onto something to support me. After I get my feet back I go to my next class. 

Hey guys, I'll upload soon, hope ye liked the chapter! Anyways I was reading the comments from the last chapter, I had asked you guys who's your favourite character. And most of ye said Zoey or Jake? I'm wondering why you guys picked them, why are they your favourite characters? In my opinion I think Jake's a bit of an asshole so far. Anyways so now I'm asking you guys to comment why you like your favourite character? Thanks for reading!

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