Wedding Bells.

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Chapter 37:

Avril's POV:

"Are you capable to call people or do you want me to do it when we get to the hospital?" Liam asks, casting a quick eye of worry to examine me as he drives the car.

"I'm able to, I haven't gotten another contraction yet," I answer with relief.

"If you get another contraction, you tell me because I need to start timing all this and I'll need to pull over, so you can squeeze my hand," he tells with fret. "You tell me, okay? Also, can you text my parents for me, we won't have time to call everyone."

I nod with agreement and I get out my phone to call my mum, brother and Sophia. I don't know whether or not to call my dad because I've only known him for two weeks but during that fortnight, I did meet him a lot of times and I like him a lot and know quite a lot about him. Ryder and I get on with him great, we've a lot in common with him, Mum's just the only one who doesn't get on because she leaves the room when he calls over. I don't want to make it awkward on my mum if I call him to come, but I also want him to be there because he's really looking forward to it and I classify him as good friend now, he is my dad after all. I'll call Mum first and ask her if she minds, then I'll know to call him or not.

"Avril, is something wrong?" she asks instantly when she answers the call.

"No, everything's fine. My waters have broken though and I'm on the way to the hospital because the contractions are-" I drop the phone in pain and Liam puts the indicator on to park as he grasps my hand and tells me to breathe. "Don't stop, Liam, I'm fine, just keep going, please."

"Okay, if you're sure..." He gives me a quick look over and continues on. "Please keep squeezing my hand though. Take deep breaths, baby, copy me." He begins demonstrating and I copy him which made me feel a little better. After the pain had fully passed, I get the phone and hear my mum frantically asking if I was all right.

"Sorry, Mum, I got a contraction. They're getting really close together, so can you try to meet us there? I really want you there," I confide in a soft, frightened voice.

"Oh, Avril, of course I'll be there. I was going to come anyway, you're my daughter, I wouldn't miss this for anything in the world. Give me about fifteen minutes; I'll be there as soon as possible. I love you so much; I'll call your brother for you. You just relax and do the breathing exercises you were taught!"

"I will, thank you so much, Mum, I love you too. See you soon." We say goodbye and I call Sophia next. 10...15...20...25 seconds and she's still not answering. Usually she'd answer under 10 seconds. Is everything okay? She's probably busy with the twins or left her phone upstairs or in the car. Just as I'm about to hang up, the call answers and I hear James' voice greet me.

"Sorry, Avs, she's upstairs trying to go back to sleep with Jake. Do you want me to get her? She won't mind if I put her on the phone to you," he offers.

"No, no, it's fine, thanks, she's really tired and so I wouldn't like to disrupt her sleep. Can you just tell her when she wakes up that I'm on the way to the hospital and in labour?" I request.

"Oh my God, Avril, that's great news! You'll get to see him soon and the twins will have their little play buddy. I'll tell Sophia right now, she's not going to want to miss being there for you. I know how much she wants to help you through it. How are the contractions?"

"Pretty painful and quite close together but as Soph said, it's all worth it. When you tell her, tell her she doesn't need to come straight away, she can sleep for a few more hours, I won't mind. I've to go now, James, thanks so much!"

"You're welcome, I'm sure she'll come over straight away anyway. Good luck and congrats!" he wishes and I smile as I hang up. My baby boy is going to be here soon. I can't wait. I wish I could just get this over and have him right now. I get another painful contraction and moan in pain. I take that back.... I don't want more painful pain.... I want him to stay in me for a few more days.

Pregnant By The School's Player.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang