Excited For The Genders.

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Chapter 21:

Sophia's POV:

It's been two weeks since Jayden's been on the team. He's really good, almost as good as Jake. But Jake is still the best player. So since Jayden's on the team he spends more time with Jake and the guys so he's gotten to know them more and now they're all really good friends which made me really happy to see him find more good friends. Also, Ty and Taylor have become friends with Jake and the others too, we have lunch with them all the time now!

Because of us becoming friends with Jake and the others we're now the most popular group in school! I don't really care about popularity, just as long as I have close friends, that's all that matters! Lots of people are trying to become friends with us, even Elena's friend Avril tried to become my friend but I hate her. Emily's gotten really close with Charlie, I keep telling her to ask him out but she's scared. Maybe I should ask him for her. The bell rings and I get my stuff and leave the class room. I go to my locker and throw my books into it.

All these books were getting harder to hold with my growing belly. I decide to go over to Jayden's locker so we could go to lunch. I grab my bag from my locker and make my way to his locker to see him making out with a girl against it. Another girl comes up to him and slaps his cheek. Whoa, what's going on here?! Who is she and why is she slapping my best friend's cheek!

"You cheating bastard," the girl who slapped him yells. She slaps him again before storming off. What the fuck?! Jayden didn't tell me he had a girlfriend, he would never cheat. The girl who he was making out with him slaps him too and storms off. Jayden turns around and spots me. I walk over to him with shock. This wasn't like him.

"What was that?" I ask.

"Nothing," he answers, shrugging as if it was nothing. I notice he was checking out a girl across the hall from us. He winks at her and she walks off giggling. Is this Jayden?! He's not a player, what's happen him?

"This isn't you, Jayden."

"Who said I can't have a few girlfriends." A few?! How many has he been dating?

"You have never cheated, you hate people who cheat and now you've become one of them," I say sadly. I don't want Jayden like those players!

"So what?" he mumbles.

"Those guys from the football team have changed you." Not Brad, Danny, Austin, Charlie, Alex, Bennett and Cameron, they were players but not as bad as some of the other football players.

"I'm the same person," he yells, slamming his locker door closed. He never gets angry, especially not with me. He wasn't an aggressive person, he doesn't slam things.

"Okay no need to shout," I whisper. I was a tiny bit scared of him at the moment. He was like a different person. Those football players are a bad influence on him. "I don't like the way you're treating girls."

"So? What's it got to do with you?" he mutters.

"So you're not a player, Jay, you've never wanted to hurt a girl's feelings so why are you now? You're turned into a player just like them, you shouldn't sleep around," I tell him.

"You can't say much," he yells with frustration and as soon as he says it I know that he regrets it. Tears start to spring from my eyes. "Soph, I'm-" I walk off before he can say anything else. I go into the lunch hall and sit beside Ty and Taylor, the others weren't here yet.

"You okay, Soph?" Taylor asks with worry. I wipe my tears away and nod.

"What's up?" Ty asks, wrapping his arm around me for comfort.

"It doesn't matter," I assure them.

"Of course it matters, what's happened?" Taylor asks. I can't say it, I'm still shocked. I don't want it to be true, my best friend has become someone I can't even recognise anymore. He hates me and thinks I'm a whore. Well maybe I am because I'm pregnant but he doesn't have to say it to my face.

Pregnant By The School's Player.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα