Jake Finds Out.

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Chapter 11:

Jake's POV:

I walk over to my group of friends.

"Hey did you hear what's happened?" Alex asks.

"What?" I ask intrigued.

"Some knocked up girl fainted", Danny says. I didn't know there was a pregnant girl this year, there was like three last year.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"Don't know, her brother and two of her friends left to go to the hospital", Bennett says.

"You would have liked her, she's really hot", Brad chuckles.

"Jeez dude she's pregnant", Austin says. Brad rolls his eyes.

"I wonder who got her pregnant?" Cameron asks. They all look at me.

"What? Me?" I ask.

"Yeah, you, you have the most sex in the school", Charlie says. I roll my eyes. True but I didn't knock anyone up.

"No I didn't, I'll prove it, what's her name?"

"Someone said it was Sophia Daniels or Sophie or something like that", Alex says. My heart drops. She's pregnant?

"No, it wasn't me", I say.

"Did you sleep with her before?" Danny asks.

"Yeah", I say.

"Oh you're fucked, baby daddy", Brad laughs.

"Just because we had sex doesn't mean I'm the father, that was like three months ago and if it was mine she would have told me", I say.

"You mean if they were yours she would have told you", Bennett says.


"It's twins", Charlie says.

"Holy shit!" I mumble. The bell rings.

"Bye", they all say, walking off to their classes. I just stood there, standing still. They can't be mine, I was wearing protection. What if it broke? Sophia would have already told me, right? I have to make sure, so I walk out of school and speed off in my car to the hospital. What if I am the Dad?

Jayden's POV:

We were waiting for the doctors to let us see her. They said she woke up a few minutes ago. Please god, I hope Soph and the babies are okay. Dr Meehan comes out of her room. We stand up.

"Is she All right?" I ask.

"She's okay, and so are the babies", she says. We all sigh with relief. "She needs to eat more, is she still taking her prenatal vitamins?"

"Yeah, she takes one every morning. She never had anything to eat though today", James says.

"Well she needs to eat more a lot, and she's also been very stressed. I've talked about how to try and relax more with her a minute ago. She's going to be fine, she just needs to look after herself a bit more".

"Thank you doctor", he says.

"Can we see her?" Emily asks. Dr Meehan smiles.

"Of course". We thank the doctor again before going into Sophia's room. She was in a bed, crying her eyes out. We go over to her and hug.

"I hurt my babies, I'm the worst mother ever", she cries.

"No you're not they're fine", I assure her.

"Zach says to get better", James says. She smiles. "And mom and dad said they'll be here as soon as they can".

"Ring them back and tell them they don't have to come. I'm fine", she says.

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