The Birth.

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Chapter 33:

Sophia's POV:

We leave the house, one by one. Everyone rubs me on the back and offer some quick tips before I get in the car.

"We'll see you in five minutes, honey, you keep those babies in there," Emily orders, giving my belly a quick rub. I could see Jayden behind her shoulder, he really wanted to say something but my Mum closes the door quickly. She never saw him there because she was too busy worrying about me getting to the hospital. I really want to know what he wanted to say and if he's okay.

"Are you okay?" James observes from the front seat. I nod my head quickly and wave at everyone before they get in the other cars we own. "Are you ready to go?" I nod again in reply and turn back to Jake who's squeezing my hand like crazy.

"You're the one who needs to calm down, Jake," I chuckle, poking his nose.

"I can't help it, Soph, I'm sorry," Jake pouts. "I'm calm now as long as you're okay."

"I am, I haven't even got another one yet." His hand relaxes and he rubs my knee. Halfway through the journey, I get another one and bite my lip.

"Breathe, sweetie," he advises. The contraction goes quickly and I sigh with relief. "Thank God, they're quick."

"Maybe for not much longer."

"Forget about that." He puts a loose strand of my hair behind my ear and smiles supportively at me. James parks the car when we arrive and Jake runs to get a wheelchair for me. I call him back because I can make it to the hospital, I'm not in pain but he doesn't listen and I find that so sweet. "We're here now, everything's okay." I feel like he should be saying it to himself and not to me. I'm fine, I'm not that worried, but him, he's freaking out already! "I'm sorry, baby, I'll calm down."

"Just breathe, Jake," I smirk and we all laugh. James signs me in at the counter while Jake and Zach stay by my side. Everyone else will be arriving any minute now.

"Okay, Soph, they're going to take you to a room now. Don't be worried," James tells me slowly, cupping my cheek and giving it soft strokes.

"I'm not; you're all the worried ones! Guys, I'm fine, please don't worry," I assure them.

"We'll stop worrying after those babies have popped out of you," Zach explains.

"Don't remind me of the pain!" I groan, cringing at the thought of two babies coming out of me...down there. EW! OW! Jake wheels me into a room, directed to us by a nurse. They ask me to change into a gown and I do so while my brothers wait outside. Jake never once leaves my side and I thank God for such a loving and caring fiancé. When I'm dressed and in the bed, my brothers and everyone else emerge from the waiting room. Not everyone could fit in, so the rest stayed outside for their turn. "You all didn't have to come."

"You're my best friend, I'm staying," Emily objects, taking my hand and kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, everybody, it means a lot to me that you're all here. It's getting late though and I don't think I'm a lot dilated, so, go home and come tomorrow when they're here instead. There's no point in you all staying," I insist.

"Nope, we're staying," Jayden declares, holding onto Emily's hand which is clutching mine. I have the best friends ever.

"We'll wait outside, it's getting quite crowded in here and you need privacy. Also, the others want to come in to see you, so, they can wish you luck," Cameron says.

"Good luck, honey, you're doing fantastic so far, keep it up. Let us know when we can come in to see our beautiful nephew and niece, we all can't wait!" Brad encourages. Everyone in the room gives me a tight hug, a kiss, a rub on the belly and wishes me luck.

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