First Doctor's Appointment.

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Chapter 9:

Sophia's POV:

It was after school and I had my first appointment now. I was scared, nervous and excited all at the same time. I've always hated doctors and the dentist since I was a kid. They scared the hell out of me. But this was an obstetrician not a normal doctor. Jayden, James, Emily, Zach and I get into James' car. Emily was more excited than me, she couldn't wait to see my little baby. She was smiling the whole time.

"Cheer up, you look so sad. What's wrong?" she asks.

"Nothing". She squeezes my hand.

"Soph, you promised you were going to tell us things and the truth. Now what's going on?" Jayden asks. I look out the window at the trees. I loved trees especially in autumn when they were the lovely yellows and oranges. "Sophia?" I keep blanking out and day dreaming. What's going on with me? Was this normal?

"That was the truth", I mumble, still looking out the window at the passing trees. They both sigh. I take my IPod touch out from the car pocket and start listening to music. The music soothes me and I relax and forget about all the troubles in life. I close my eyes and drift into a sleep. Jayden wakes me.

"Soph, we're here", he says. I check my watch, I was asleep for twenty minutes it felt like longer. We walk into the hospital and wait for my name to be called. My mum and dad were already here waiting for us.

"Hey sweetheart, how're you feeling?" my dad asks. I was freaking out, I don't like hospitals, they always made me depressed when I was in there. "Soph?"

"She's not talking", James says.

"Why, Sophia?" mum asks. I sit on the chair and shake my head. "Is it because you don't like doctor's?" I nod. She pulls me into a hug. "Hey, don't worry. They're really nice, my friend's sister had her and said they were lovely".

"Really?" I ask.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about". I nod.

"Sophia Daniels", a nurse calls. I can't do this.

"Come on Soph", Zach says. I shake my head.

"I can't do it Mum, please don't make me", I beg. I started to cry and shake.

"Sophia, we'll be beside you, it's not scary", Emily says. It might not be scary for her but it was for me. Jayden holds his hand out for me to take. "Please, Soph". I nod and take Jayden's hand. He squeezes it and kisses it. He was so sweet. We walk into the room. A woman was there on her own.

"Hello dear, are you Sophia?" she asks me. I nod. "Nice to meet you". I smile.

"You too", I say. She smiles at the others beside me. "Um...these are my friends Jayden and Emily, my brothers Zach and James and my parents". I point to each person as I say their name.

"Nice to meet you all too", she smiles. "Are you the father?" She looks at Jayden, who was still holding my hand.

" the father's not here", I say quickly. She nods.

"Sorry", she apologises. She introduces herself. Her name was Dr Meehan. During the appointment, she checks my weight, blood pressure and does a blood test. She determines my due date from the last time I had my period. I was seven weeks!

She goes through my health history and family medical history. She goes through the symptoms I'm experiencing and what I was able to do and wasn't. When she said it was okay for me to have sex during the pregnancy it was really awkward because I was beside my family. Zach was trying not to laugh when she talked about the sex part.

She asks if I would like to have an ultrasound today, and I said yes. I wanted to see my little baby. I hop onto a bed and pull up my top. She puts this cold gel on it. Then I saw my little baby! I gasp.

"Aw", Emily says. My mum starts crying and my dad holds her. After making sure my mum was All right I turn my head back to looking at my gorgeous baby! I felt guilty for not telling Jake in case he wanted to be here. But I doubt he did. A tear of joy falls from my eye. Jayden kisses my hand again, he hadn't let go off it yet. I smile at him. Wait a minute there was something else on the screen?

"What's the other thing?" I ask, looking over at my doctor.

"That's your other baby", she says. What! "You're having twins, congrats".

"Oh my god", James sighs.

"Twins?" I whisper.

"Yes", she smiles.

"Oh my gosh, this is great. It's two babies", Emily squeals. Not great! What am I going to do? I'm single, 16 and having twins.

"Oh honey, you've made me so happy", Mum says through tears.

"You're okay with it being two?" I ask shocked.

"Of course we are", Dad says. But they were a bit mad when they found out it was one why weren't they yelling. Maybe they were waiting for when we were in private.

"Would you like to know your due date?" I nod quickly. "The seventh of June". The seventh of June. Just seven months until I see my baby! Wait I mean babies! I'm so sorry Mommy forgot you baby no. 2. I feel so bad all those times I was talking to my baby I forgot to talk to my other baby. I feel like the worst mother ever. "Do you have any questions?"

"I don't think so", I say. She gives me three pictures of my ultrasound. I didn't know they gave you more than one. I thank her and we say our goodbyes. My next appointment was in five weeks. I will be twelve weeks then. Dad and mom say they'll meet us back at the house so James drives us home. During the journey I was silent. I didn't look at anyone. Jayden was dropped off first.

"See you tomorrow. Take care", he says.

"Sure", I say, still not looking at anyone. He gets out of the car. Next was Emily.

"Bye Soph", she says, hugging me.

"Whatever". She pulls back alarmed. She leaves the car. I didn't mean to make her feel hurt. I don't know why I was acting so mean to them, they were my best friends and have been really supportive during these few weeks. It was probably the mood swings again.

"What's wrong?" Zach asks, looking back at me from the passenger's seat.

"Just shut up for once stupid, I'm fine stop asking me questions", I yell. I have never seen Zach look so sad in his life. I'm such a bitch. I start crying.

"She didn't mean it Zach, it's just she's a bit hormonal at the moment", James comforts.

"No she meant it", Zach says. I think I saw a tear escape his eye. He quickly wipes it away. As soon as we got home I run upstairs to my room and cried my eyes out. I hated myself. I was hurting the people that I loved and they were only helping me.

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