Accidents Happen.

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Chapter 10:

James' POV:

Sophia's been upstairs in her room alone for an hour. I decide to check on her to see if she's all right. I knock on her door, there was no answer. I didn't hear any movements in the room. I open the door. She was on her sofa asleep. I go over to her and move her hair out of her face. She looked so peaceful. I gently lift her up, making sure not to wake her. I place her on her bed and take off her shoes. I put the covers over her and kiss her forehead. I turn the light off behind me. I go back downstairs and sit beside Zach.

"She's asleep", I sigh.

"Oh yeah, having a little rest after her tantrum", he says. He was really pissed off at her. "I was just making sure she was all right and I get my head bitten off".

"I know, I told you she's just hormonal".

"No she hates me that's why".

"She doesn't hate you, she loves you".

"Yeah, well she has a weird way of showing it, I care for her and I want to make sure everything's okay but she's not telling me", he sighs.

"She's just annoyed that every question has to do about her pregnancy. We need to lay it off a bit and give her some space. Don't bring it up as much, she still needs time to get used to it". He nods.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll say sorry when she wakes up". He passes me the ultrasound picture. "Here". I look at it closely. It looked weird.

"Am I the only one who thinks it's freaky looking?" I ask. He laughs.

"I think it's weird too". Two babies. Two! I still can't believe it. "Are you mad at her?"

"No I'm mad at Jake. I know Soph said she didn't want me hurting him, but I definitely am now". He smirks.

"I want to be there when you do". I nod, while smiling. The doorbell rings. "I'll get it". He gets off the couch and goes to the front door. I look back at the picture. These were my little niece and nephew or nieces or nephews well whatever they were. I smile as I think about them.

"Oh my god James", Isabella yells. I turn around, she looked mad and was about to cry any moment. She was must have been at the door. She was looking at the picture in my hands.

"This isn't what it looks like", I say, going over to her.

"It looks like you got someone pregnant", she yells. She has it completely wrong. "How could you cheat on me? I love you and I thought you loved me too". I do love you Isabella, these three weeks have made my life complete.

"This isn't mine", I say.

"Then whose is it?" I promised Sophia I wouldn't tell anyone. I don't respond. "I knew it, well have a good life with your babies James". She runs away crying. I wanted to call her back but what would I say. I always keep my promises to Soph. I bury my head in my hands. Sophia comes down the stairs. She rushes over to me.

"James what's wrong, who was shouting?" she asks frantically.

"Isabella she thinks the ultrasound picture is of my babies", I say.

"Well then go quick and tell her it's not", she says.

"I promised you I wouldn't tell anyone about your pregnancy".

"Well I don't want you to break up because of me".

"Are you sure you don't mind her knowing?"

"I don't now quick ring her and explain". I get out my phone and dial her number. It was voice mail. I leave a message telling her to please call me back as soon as possible. "Look I'll tell her tomorrow, I'm sorry James."

Pregnant By The School's Player.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora