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It's been a week since Leo and I's kiss

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It's been a week since Leo and I's kiss. We've been the same like how we were before the kiss. Neither of us have brought it up. Honestly, I'm just scared to. I know he said he doesn't regret the kiss but he can always change his mind.

School has been fine. I still get laughed at because of my clothes. Samantha glares at me whenever she can and pushes me around. She basically embarrasses me whenever she can saying that she should be the one with Leo and not me because I'm an ugly bitch who doesn't deserve nice things.

I tried not to let her words get to me but they did. I don't deserve Leo. He should be with someone like Samantha instead of someone like me. Samantha is blonde, beautiful, and skinny while I'm a brunette, I look okay, and I have a bit of fat.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts from Mr. Miller placing my test results on my desk.

"Excellent job Ms. Knight, one hundred as always. Keep up the good work." He nods at me and walks to the next desk.

I look down at my test to see a big fat one hundred at the top left corner of the packet.

I grin so widely that my cheeks start to hurt. The cheeks on my face, not my butt.

The bell rings signaling the end of the day. Good thing it's Friday.

I happily collect my book bag and practically sprint out of school.

I see Leo's black Lamborghini. He's leaning on the back of it, on his phone typing away.

I start to walk up to him and he hears my footsteps so he looks up and smiles. He opens his arms and I walk right into them.

We hug for a while until Leo pulls away and kisses me.

I'm quite shocked that he's doing PDA. I thought Leo wasn't the type to show affection in public but I guess not.

Since I was in my shocked state and I wasn't kissing him back, Leo pulls away.

"I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done tha-"

I cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss.

We pull away breathing heavily.

I smile up at him, "I wasn't kissing you because I was shocked. That's all." I shrug and get in the car.

A few minutes later Leo gets in and starts the car.

He puts the car in reverse and looks behind the car while putting his arm on the back of my seats headrest. Why is that so hot?

We pull up to Leo's house and we drive in the driveway. We go into the house and take off our jackets.

Leo turns to me and asks, "Will you be able to stay here for tonight?" He asks, curious.

I nod, "My dad won't be back till tomorrow night." I had told Leo yesterday that I would be able to stay at his house for the night since he had asked.

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