Chapter 16

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Steve and Bucky stare at Will in shock, the seemingly innocent and sweet boy just threatened two of the most popular super heroes ever. Will just sends them both a smile, which now seems quiet corrupt. Nico stalks up to the two huge males with a small smirk.

"I taught him that. I can't believe he actually threatened you," Nico says with a chuckle in his voice.

Natasha walks up in her catsuit trying to test Nico and says," Yeah neither can I. However he seems quite protective of her. Is there anything that happened between them before?"

That drew Steve and Bucky's attention," Of course not. Will wouldn't date Percy, no offence Perse!"

"None taken! Will is in love and was in love with you Neeks!" Percy says with a cocky smile.

Nico nods his head before realizing what Percy called him," Hey! Don't call me Neeks!"

Steve and Bucky look at each other and to everyone it seems like they're having a mental conversation which in truth they are. They use their eyes to convay what they want to say. bucky and Steve see that Percy loves the two boys as if they are closer siblings or best friends. Steve starts to boil over with jealousy, how could she love anyone else but them. It must be wrong, no she can't love them like she loves us.

Of course Steve is right, Percy could never love anyone else besides Steve and Bucky that way only a married couple could feel. That love that you don't know until it hits you, that love that makes you want to do anything for that one person. That one person forever ingrained in your mind, no matter what happens you will always love them. 

Percy couldn't feel that for Will and Nico. Percy just couldn't, she never will and never could love Nico and Will with the same passion and strength, as well as more than just a friend.

Bucky puts his hand on Steve's shoulder," Listen she wouldn't hurt us like that, she loves us. She can't love anyone else the way we do. We both have our souls combined with hers."

Percy overhears the conversation with her oversensitive ears.

"You don't trust me Steve?" Percy looks up with tears in her eyes, everyone stops talking to look at the trio.

Steve's eyes widen," N-no! D-doll, I trust you!"

"Save it! You think I love my cousin and his future husband like I love you!?" Percy chokes out, tears pouring down her face.

She lets herself touch the tip of the iceburge that is her new powers and stand up showing no signs of pain. She starts to walk away as everyone gets over their shock.

"Percy, you can't be up at this point!" Bruce pleads with the now histarical goddess.

Percy just continues on walking, well limping, away. No one can say anything to get her back to them but Nico and Will realize Percy just wants someone to either follow her so she can have a shoulder to cry on or just be left alone for once.

Nico and Will know their intructions to keep Percy safe so they do the only logical thing and rush after her. When they finally catch up to her from her head start she's almost in her room.

"Perse! please let us stay with you, we want to help you," Will pleads using his voice while Nico uses his eyes.

Percy nods her head," Y-yeah, I guess. C-come in, the b-boys can s-sleep on the couch."

"Oh we don't want to get in between you and them," Nico says holding his arms up in surrender. 

Nico knows that Percy and the two super soldiers' relationship was strong but could still break at this point. Nico and Will don't want Percy's one chance at happiness ruined because they wanted to be with her. It wouldn't be fair to Percy if they decided to be that selfish.

"No it's no problem, you are my cousin, family first," Percy says with absolute finalty.

Nico smiles a bit remembering the first time he heard her say that to him when she helped him and Bianca escape that monster when she was thirteen. Of course at that time he had no idea that they were family but it still felt nice. Nico remembers the warm feeling he felt inside when he heard her say that.

"Thanks Perse, I love you," Nico says while embracing his cousin in a hug that anyone would want to last a ceantry.

However with the Avengers there happens to be an agrument ensueing. 

"How could you say anything that implied you don't trust her!" Natasha yells at a small looking Steve. 

Steve is beating himself up no matter what anyone else says but he knows where they all are coming from, he just insulted his mate.

"I can't believe you would say that, Steve," Tony says ina dissappointed tone.

Steve's rage boils and unleashes into a fury," How could you say anything! You're a drunken playboy-"

"Ex playboy and I've been sober for almost ten months!" Tony shouts letting his secret spill to his team, his friends, his family. "I've been sober from acholole for almost ten months, I've stayed with Pepper for two years and I'm thinking of proposing. Steve if you actually payed attention you would've realized this."

Steve's eyes widen, he realizes how bad of a friend he has been. He pushed everyone away hoping to get their help for nothing in return. Steve knows now what type of person he is turning into. Bucky takes one look into Steve's eyes and realize that Steve is thinking about his father. Yes Steve realizes that he is turning into his father, the one person (other than Hitler and the red skull) that he tries his hardest not to be. 

Everyday it's a struggle for Steve not to think about his father but it brings up too many jagged, open wounds.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize," Steve says, his voice quivering.

Almost everyone's eyes widen, they never see the weak side of Steve, he is the leader, he has to be the strong one. Almost no one has seen him cry but the ones who did know he wouldn't cry for any old reason.

Bucky steps up and hugs Steve," I should've told you."


Guess who? Look I'm bored.... So yeah I wrote this in an hour so it will probably be riddled with grammer issues, spelling issues, and repeats. At this point I don't care, as long I get my ideas down on 'paper' if you know what I mean. If it's really bad just let me know and I'll go back through and try my best to edit.

Anywho I'm tired and it isn't even that late. I guess this is really close updates but I've got like nothing to do. Soooo maybe tomorrow if I can get into a writing mood I will try, seeing as I have a half day. So I guess this is it. You all are now family btw. So in the essence of family, I love you all,


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