Chapter 17

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"Wait wait wait! He gets off like that? Mr Stark had to gain everyone's trust back after he did almost the same thing." Peter points out flabergasted but nontheless he rolls his eyes.

Tony puts his hand on Peter's shoulder," It's okay Pete, Steve's situation is different then mine."

Everyone's eyes bore into Tony's face, he was sticking up for Steve, the one person he makes fun of the most. 

"Thank you Tony," Steve says with a small smile, almost unwillingly, like he felt forced to smile.

No one noticed it, glacing at Tony, waiting for a responce.

"Well then old man, you have your girl you need to apologize to, I suggest you do it soon," Tony says, placing a comforting hand on Steve's shoulder. "Bucky, you should go too. I think I saw the two boys go with her and with Steve's new temper, it won't be good."

Bucky gives a nod before pushing on Steve's shoulder to get the guilty looking super soldier to go to the love of his life.

Back with our favorite gay couple Percy starts her ranting.

"I just don't get why I let myself love people, I should just stop feeling! I mean why do I care so much?" Percy sobs to Nico and Will," I don't get it! I hate it! Why do I fall so easily! I can't do this anymore! I hold no trust when I should! I'm their soulmate! I-I just don't get it," Percy's voice waivers as she cries out to no one in particular. "I just want to feel loved and not need to be one thing!"

Nico sees a pain only he would know, he saw it in his eyes when he thought Will hated him. Nico doesn't know exactly what to do, taking after his stotic father rather than his loving mother. However Nico pushes through the awkard sensation again and hugs Percy, crushing her in his arms. 

Percy rests her head ontop of Nico's shoulder with tears pouring from her eyes, dampening the sleeve of Nico's black top. Nico doesn't care, he promised to be here for Percy and he will keep to that promise no matter if he has to be that shoulder to cry on.

Will knows what's going on is a family moment and sits on the bed looking at the hug. Will wishes he was closer with Percy so he could be like Nico and help her. Percy and Will will need to get close seeing as he is now her perscribed therapist. 

"I-I'm sorry. I-I just d-don't know what t-to do anymore," Percy sniffles to the couple hoping for some comfort or intructions on what to do. When she gets nothing Percy continues," I love both of them, but Steve is pushing me away!" Percy explains to Nico specificly now.

Nico pulls away from the hug, gripping Percy's shoulders," Listen Perse men are stupid, take it from me, I'm a guy. Now Percy it takes a while for a guy to pick up signals but when he does he will do anything to make it right or better. Steve is no different."

"I know but it hurts," Percy cries, showing more vunarblity than Will or Nico have ever seen from her. "I thought it would be different, I thought Steve loved me and trusted me but apparently I'm blind. I hate it! Nico I hate it!" Percy exclaims, another wave of sobs rack her body as she punches Nico's chest half heartedly.

Steve and Bucky push through the door slightly winded and looking at the scene with a frown on Steve's part.

"Percy! I'm so sorry, I didn't know-" Steve starts.

Percy cuts Steve off," You didn't know what!?" Percy flies up from her sitting position with a earth shaking look of saddness and anger on her face," You didn't know I could hear you? Or was it that you didn't know I would but two and two together? I'm not that stupid!" Percy says with the brutality of a thousand soldiers would one man.

Steve's shame and guilt flood his face letting everyone know how much Percy's words are affecting him. However Percy doesn't care, she can't care. Steve needs to hear it from her mouth, the fact that he is changing for the worse.

"Percy, calm down, please," Will says calmly, putting a hand on Percy's shoulder hoping to calm her to the point she isn't tearing Steve down to the trapped child he is hiding.

Percy breaths in slowly and out even slower, trying to calm herself to the point she doesn't want to punch the breath out of Steve.

"Leave," the one world slips through Percy's lips like a curse. No one moves and Percy blows," Leave! Both of you! I want alone time with my cousin! Instead you judge and don't trust me! Get out now Steve!"

Steve flinches noticably and everyone can see it in full veiw, but he leaves nonetheless, "I'm sorry Doll."

Percy's eyes shut as Bucky walks out a few paces behind Steve, tears threatening to spill again.

"Don't cry Percy, you've already cried enough today," Percy talks ot herself while fanning her eyes as if it will keep the dam behind her eyes from bursting.

Will jumps into Percy's talking," Perse, it's okay to cry. Crying relieves stress and you have plenty of that. Percy you can cry all you want, we won't judge you."

"Percy, we couldn't. You were there for both of us when we were in your position. We can't judge you," Nico explains the best he can to the now sobbing girl.

Percy nods before colasping to the floor in a hestaricle mess, "I just don't understand. But I can't let this continue, Steve and Bucky need to learn! I'm my own person, they had to know this before I even came here. I'm not gonna obey every order they give to me! I'm not some toy or puppet for their entertainment."

Percy shakes her head as Will and Nico think on what she just said, usually she was the one comforting.

Percy then asks," Is it wrong to feel betraied?"


Sup y'all, guess what? Well I'm tell you anyways, third update in three days! I'm on a roll right now. Well this took less than an hour to write but I'm tired and ready to go to bed so I guess I'll see you whenever I get around to writing again because I doubt I'll have time to write tomorrow. So hopfully soon I'm get the next chapter up soon. I love you all, my family,


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