chapter 5

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y/n pov

I went up to them and handed him the cookies as usual, it was now a common thing for me to give him cookies during lunch, to my surprise he even accepts those, maybe he hates me slightly less now? or maybe he just likes the cookies, who knows, I shrugged it off

"Here you go," I handed him the cookies, he took them without even looking at me.

"hello unnie! how was your day?" Sung Hee asked

why does she always have to act like the angel


as if she didn't not notice the whole drama

"Anyway, Hyunjin, do you like the cookies?"

he nodded, again, didn't even look at me.

"I'm glad you like them! I'll bring them back tomorrow!"

again, he just nodded.


"You can go now"

Well, I had nothing else to say, if I'd asked him to hang out with me, he'd reject anyway.

"Alright, see you then!"


Soon school was over, I was about to head home, but then I remembered that I have tutoring now, besides I didn't want to go home because I didn't wanna face mom, even though she's one of the nicest people in my life, I still didnt wanna see her, so I just went to the library, it was just 2:47 pm, which means I still had a lot of time left, so I just decided to roam around here and there

after walking a bit i heard someone call my name from behind, i turned around

"y/n unniee!!!"

It was Sung Hee.

"oh. it's you"

"what are you doing here?" she asked smiling, ugh, her such bright or whatever personality annoys me

"wasting my time"

"Oh, why are you still wearing the uniform? did you not go home?" she said and started walking with me

"I have to attend tutoring"

"You're getting tutoring?"

I nodded

"Oh, study hard! You'll do well" she said and smiled

thinking about it, she is kinda cute, I see why Hyunjin likes her but well I don't, so


"okay then i'll go now! be safe!!"


and she

and she left, for some reason I just looked at her while she left



after walking around and wasting my time, it was almost 4 pm, so I decided to start walking towards the school library, and while I was walking, I saw Hyunjin, so I went to see him. shocker.


he looked back, and when he saw it was me, he just.. well- rolled his eyes.

"You haven't gone home either?"

"not your concern"

"I know, I know, I was just asking."


despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now