chapter 39

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y/n pov

i was shocked for a second but i quickly hugged back, something tells me this isnt a hug to comfort me for this whole thing, but because he needs it. be it because of how stressed he is these days, or some other reason im not aware of.

he held it for a few minutes and i stood there rubbing my hands on his back, slowly trying to calm myself down at the same time. he finally broke off from it and gave me a smile, then started looking out again.

i didn't say anything, just looked out as well. we stayed there for about an hour.

"lets get going then" he said, i nodded as we started walking again to our way out.

"so when do i see you again?" i asked as we reached the road where part ways.

"ill let you know" he said with a smile.

"dont overwork yourself, you're doing fine" i said and smiled back.

he nodded and gave me a short hug as we both went our ways, ugh i miss him already.


the next day i woke up to another box of chocolates in front of my door, i sighed and took it in. just how long is he gonna go on with this? i shook my head and walked out of my room, then knocked on his door. he opened it after a minute.

it looked like he just woke up, his hair was all messed up and his eyes were puffy.

he rubbed his face as he finally looked at me, his eyes widened. "oh y/n-"

hearing my name in his morning voice sent something down my body, but i quickly adjusted myself and cleared my throat, "when are you going to stop with this?" i asked him as i put forward the box.

"ah.. this.. i was coming back from work last night and i remembered you used to really like it so... do you not anymore?" he said innocently, "thats not what i asked." i replied.

he didn't say anything and looked down, "you should stop spending so carelessly, you know its not your parents money anymore and you work for it" i said again.

"thats why i like giving them more" he said with a slight smile, i dont even remember how long since i actually got a genuine smile from him. i sighed and shook my head, then started walking back into my room to get ready for school.

"y/nn! do you wanna go together?" he said as he followed me, "no" i replied. "are you free after school?" he kept asking, he seemed to be in a good mood. i didnt say anything and just shut the door on his face. "ill see you in school!" he said from over the other side.

i went to his room to tell him to stop with this little gifts, not to lead him on more, i shook my head and started to get ready for school.


the whole day went by like that, he followed me everywhere, tried sitting near me in classes we have together, make small talk and what not.

"do you think he's following us?" aera said as she looked behind and then back at me. we've been going to the library to study together since last week because seungmin cant tutor me till then, and he doesn't want me to give up on school completely for the time he isnt here.

i just shrugged, if i were to explain this whole situation to her it would be.. alot.

we reached the library and took a seat, and hyunjin sat on the table around us. "he definitely is. do you owe him something? is he a stalker??" she asked as she noticed it as well.

"just ignore him" i said with a tired sigh, he's embarrassing me now.

we sat there and 'studied' for about two hours, which also included her catching me up on the regular school drama. and this is why seungmin doesn't trust us. oh well

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