chapter 42

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hyunjin pov

"this is hwang hyunjin, right?" a woman on the other side of the call said. i can feel my stomach twisting with every word she says, but i try to keep my cool. "yes."

"okay well, we wanted to assure that-" before she could finish the call got snatched, "be here in 15 minutes." a rough voice said as the call hung up, and my body froze knowing exactly who it was. 

no hi's or how are you's, even if this was the first time he was talking to his son in weeks. just orders, like it had always been. 

as much as i wanted to ignore it and block the number to never hear his voice through it again, the call had come from mom's hospital. which probably means.. my heart got faster with the thought of him being near mom again, and all those memories of him hurting her started coming back into my mind. that was, until y/n's voice bought me back. "is everything okay?" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

i nodded as normally as i could, "it is. you should get back home, i got to go somewhere"

"hyunjin. what's wrong?"

i shook my head, "nothing, i- im sorry for leaving like this.." i said as i turned around. be here in 15 minutes. the voice repeated in my head, why is he back suddenly? has he seen mom already? how did he find her-? "im coming with you" y/n's voice interrupted me again, "no, no you're not. you're going home" i told her as i faced her again.

"i said im coming with you" she insisted, i sighed as i closed my eyes, then opened them again. "y/n you- you dont understand. my dad is there." i said a bit low. the tension in her face went up, "more the reason im going, the last time you went alone you almost died" she said as she walked past me before letting me say anything.

"what did i tell you? i dont ever want you involved with my dad." i said as i catched up next to her. "i never said i was going to attempt murder on him, ill just call mom in case anything happens" she said as reached the bus stop nearby. i sighed, i genuinely dont even want her near dad, but her being with me here makes it a bit easier to breath. 

 the bus came a few minutes later, and it took us about 10 minutes to reach because the hospital wasn't very far from the park. 

my steps slowed down as we entered the hospital and got in the elevator. we were barely into the hallway when i spotted a familiar figure, the one i wanted to see the least. "stay here" i told y/n, he still hasn't seen her and i would like it to stay that way. she nodded, "call me if you need anything, okay? i'm right here"

i gave her a dull smile, her being here does ease me out alot, but not completely. the thought of my dad going after her or her mom if he finds out scared me way more. i started walking towards my mom's room, a few nurses were standing around where my dad was. he noticed me not long after.

there was no hint of concern or guilt in his eyes, and i wasn't expecting any. ill kick his ass away from mom if i have to, im not scared anymore.

ill be fine. mom will be fine. its not gonna happen again.

"there he is, my son. let me in now" he said as he faced the nurses. a part of me felt relieved that they didn't let him near her yet. "is he your father?" one of the nurses asked me instead. i nodded after a long sigh.

"you guys are getting fired" he said as he turned towards the door, but i pushed him back. "let me ask if she wants to see you first" i said.

he glared at me, "shes my wife, ill see her whenever i want." he said, i can tell by looking at his face he's trying to keep his cool because its a public place and he cant just start hitting me like he does. "shut the fuck up." i said, trying to seem equally calm.

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now