chapter 24

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"o-oh- n-nothing sorry let's do it again" as i quickly started looking at the guitar again and started playing it.

aish whats wrong with me- then i looked at him again..

"nevermind lets just study" i said and stood up from his bed and went to his desk

"sure-" he got up aswell and bought a extra chair and sat down beside me.

"so," as he started with his stuff, ugh so boring

2 hours later

"and then you can calculate this up from h-"

"OKAY TIMES UP I'LL LEAVE BYEE" i quickly stood up after i noticed the time

"wh- hold on let me finish this atleast" he stood up aswell

"tooo baadd" i slightly flicked his head and walked past.

"you forgot this" he said holding my phone, i turned back

"oh" i started walking back to him, but he started going through my phone

"yaaa!" i yelled at him and ran to get it back, but he took his hands up so i couldnt reach it


"woah woah i am-" he put his hands back down so i quickly snatched my phone back

"thank you very much" i turned back and started to walk away again.

before getting out i sneaked my head out of his bedroom door and said "bye nerd!" then blew a kiss, and closed the door. he just shook his head


ughh what time even is it.. i looked at my phone and it was about almost 9 pm, i started walking home. on my way i saw this restaurant where i used to pretend im a adult and drink sometimes.. its been a long time

i walked closer to the shop and looked inside, hmm there aren't alot of people, maybe i can just.. i went inside

after sitting down and looking around here and there, i called the waiter in and ordered two drinks for now, i dont wanna reach home completely drunk.

as i was waiting for my drinks, i noticed the owner of the place walk to me

"excuse me" he said

"uh yeah?"

"can i see your id card please?" oh shit-


"you look like a minor"

"sorry but, im 21?"

"weren't you like 23 a few months ago" another one of the workers said around a different table

"oh.. no- i didnt. you probably have the wrong person" i told him and laughed nervously

"you're also wearing a school uniform"

oh my why am i so- fuck.

"a-ah- this- i uh- i went to uh- oh yeah! i auditioned as a actor and my role was of a student so im wearing this ahah-"

despair - h.hyunjin ★Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя