chapter 35

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hyunjin pov

we had a strange but strong eye contact for some good seconds without saying anything at all. and then she spoke

"is he dead??" she asked anxiously, while looking down at him and lightly kicking his leg to check whether he was still alive or not, even though its clearly visible he's still breathing.

"what are you doing here??", I asked her, but the very next second we heard people coming into the house. "shut up," she said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the basement, and then we ran until we were pretty far away from my house. hopefully no one saw us.

y/n pov

after we ran quite far away, i let go of his hand and we started walking normally to my house. Neither of us said anything the whole time, although I could tell Hyunjin was clearly frustrated about something. I swear, if he complains instead of thanking me, ill-

"did you follow me there?" he suddenly spoke up and stopped walking, i stopped aswell and faced him

"huh? oh- uh mom told me to go after you because she was worried" yeah well no she didnt

"dont ever follow me in there again."

"do you know what would have happened if i didnt come?"

"I know, but I'd rather that than have you get involved with my dad, you don't know the things he can do"

"yeah okay whatever youre welcome" I said and turned to go on, but he pulled me back again

"is your hand okay? are you hurt??" he said as he randomly grabbed my hand and started looking at it. "uh no im not. im the one who hit him, not the other way around.." i said in a low voice as i slowly pulled my hand back to myself.

he sighed, "go home, i need to get something"

i just nodded and we both went our ways, when i was almost home i got a text, it was from seungmin.

"where are u?"

"omw home, why?"



"meet me near the place
i used to work at"

i was a bit a confused but i started walking towards the shop, i wonder what happened


"im heree" i said and went up to seungmin, who was waiting for me around the shop

"oh hey"

"did you wanna say anything?" i asked him as we started walking together

"not specifically, i was just bored"

"ahh.. well where are we going?-"

"shh you'll seeee"

i nodded and we continued walking, i know no matter how much i whine him to tell me he'll not, so ill just shut up

a few minutes later i think i figured it out, we were walking towards the rooftop building we went to a long time ago, which was still under construction

"woah.. we completely forgot" i said as i stood and stared at the building

"well, its not a thursday but if youre up for some snacks" he told me as he raised up the bag of snacks he held

"im in" i said with a smile and we went in.

thankfully the elevator was still working just fine, they probably forgot about this building or have it on standby. either way i really like how peaceful this place is.

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now