chapter 18

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y/n pov

I got a call from mom,

"I think we should get in" I told seungmin, then we went back into the cafe
After finishing our food, mom said she wanted to go home and get some rest since she's tired from her trip and all. Seungmin's mom also left to the hospital, so me and him were left alone there.

"Soo anything you wanna do? or do you wanna go home?"

"I don't know- do you? if not I'll just be going to the library again"

"aish- that's soo boringgg"

"then what do you wanna do?-"

"Hm.. lets go to my place, you've never been inside right? I'll show you around today!"

"I mean- suree-"

I smiled and started walking, "Ugh we should've left with mom in the car.. I'm so tired"

"Just take a cab"

"but it's not that far—"

seungmin looked at me kinda annoyed, then walked ahead of me

"aisshh you jerk wait for me" I said and catched up, still tired
We finally reached, I quickly ran to my room, and seungmin followed me

"FINALLYY" I said as I jumped on bed and laid down on it

"I thought you were gonna show me around"

"jUst look for youwrswelf...." I said and stuffed my face in my pillow

He just shook his head and looked around here and there

"You do have a pretty big room"


"Oh is that a closet?- I thought it was a room"

closet? room? WAIT CLOSET— I quickly flashed off my bed and stood infront of my closet

"YOU- dont- looking into people's closets is bad" I said heavily breathing as I blew off the hair disturbing my face

"I wasn't even looking-"


"you're hiding something aren't you?"

"what no never-"

"you definitely are"

fuck- my closet still had alot of hyunjin stuff inside- i can't just let him-

"n-noo- you- you come with me" I said and dragged him away from there,

"Well you already saw my room, and I'm too lazy to show you the rest of the house soo-"

"Its fine" he smiled

"yeaa- well would you like something?"

"I'm good"

"Hmm..  want me to put on tv?"


"alright, what do you wanna watch?"

"I'm fine with anything really"

"Well lets see what we can watch" I said and opened netflix up to browse through movies a bit, then we found a korean mystery-ish one so we decided to watch that,

"are you just gonna stand there?"

"what?- oh- no no I'm-"

"Its fine come over the bed, you cant really watch it like the whole time-"

despair - h.hyunjin ★Where stories live. Discover now